
1,waste的动词搭配 = =不愧是好学生 。a waste of doing something 【waste的用法,waste的动词搭配】


2,waste的用法waste[weist]n.浪费消耗; 耗损废(弃)物, 废料废纱, 纱头一片荒凉[空旷]; [常用复]荒地; 沙漠; 海洋垃圾; 污水; [复]粪便被破坏的地方、城镇等; 废墟尾矿, 矸石, 岩屑waste of time 浪费时间waste and repair 损耗和修复the wastes of the Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠kitchen waste 厨房的废物The city was burnt to a desolate waste. 这城市被焚毁成废墟 。习惯用语a waste of waters 茫茫大海; 一片汪洋cut to waste 剪裁得浪费(指衣服); [转]浪费, 糟蹋(时间)go [run] to waste 糟蹋, 浪费掉; [喻](感情)白费, (工作等)白做lay waste 糟蹋; 毁坏; 使成废墟lie waste (土地等)荒芜, 尚未开垦Wilful waste makes woeful want. 任意浪费必然招致可悲的贫乏 。W-not, want not. [谚]不浪费, 不愁缺; 俭以防匮 。waste away 日益消瘦, 日渐衰弱同义词: consume dregs exhaust garbage refuse rubbish spend squander use up 反义词: save

3,waste啥意思 浪费名词:废气管动词:浪费形容词:荒芜的,废弃的1.浪费 。2.废料,垃圾浪费浪费 。

4,lose和waste的区别2个动词都有浪费的意思它们的区别用法是什么lose还有失去,失败,输(比赛等)的意思,如:John lost in the badminton game.I lost my purse on my way home.France lost the battle against the Germany.希望对你有帮助你好!lose是指丢失,waste是指浪费 。这两个词主要是意思上的不同 。我的回答你还满意吗~~5,waste什么意思 英 [we?st]美 [west]n. 浪费,白费,挥霍钱财; 废料,废品,32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333335313765废物; 荒地,荒芜; 消耗(量),损耗vt.& vi. 徒劳; (使)损耗; (使)消瘦; 浪费vt. 破坏; 干掉; (游戏或比赛中)大胜adj. 废弃的,无用的,荒芜的网 络浪费;废物;废;废物,废料过去式: wasted过去分词: wasted现在分词: wasting第三人称单数: wastes1. At the entry for "kill", my thesaurus lists"murder", "assassinate"and "waste".我的同义词词典在kill条目中列出murder,assassinate,waste词条 。来自《简明英汉词典》2. I consigned her letter to the waste basket.我把她的信丢进了废纸篓 。来自《权威词典》3. As the waste materials decompose, they produce methane gas.废物腐烂时会产生沼气 。来自《权威词典》4. Whole stretches of land were laid waste and depopulated.一片片土地荒芜,人口减少 。来自《权威词典》5. Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒 。来自《权威词典》Waste英e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333335313766 [we?st] 美 [west] n. 浪费,白费,挥霍钱财;废料,废品,废物;荒地,荒芜;消耗(量),损耗 vt.& vi. 徒劳;(使)损耗;(使)消瘦;浪费 vt. 破坏;干掉;(游戏或比赛中)大胜 adj. 废弃的,无用的,荒芜的 浪费; 废物; 废; 废物,废料 过去式:wasted 过去分词:wasted 现在分词:wasting 第三人称单数:wastes n.1.浪费; 滥用2.废料, 废弃物3.荒地4.白费,糟蹋5.人烟稀少的地区,荒芜地区,荒原vt. & vi.1.浪费, 徒劳,滥用2.(使)损耗, (使)消瘦vt.1.破坏, 使荒芜2.白费,糟蹋3.未充分利用,使…屈才4.干掉,杀死,把…废了5.(游戏或比赛中)大胜,把…打得落花流水waste, garbage, rubbish, litter, debris, junk这些名词均含“废物,垃圾”之意 。waste: 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西 。garbage: 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物 。也可作引申用 。rubbish: 普通用词,指任何成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤指弃掉的垃圾堆 。也可作引申用 。litter: 是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物 。debris: 着重指分解、分裂或破坏后剩下的碎片,也指零散的普通废品 。junk: 指回收的旧汽车或大型机器,也指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不指垃圾 。1.At the entry for "kill", my thesaurus lists"murder", "assassinate"and "waste". 我的同义词词典在kill条目中列出murder,assassinate,waste词条 。2. I consigned her letter to the waste basket. 我把她的信丢进了废纸篓 。3. As the waste materials decompose, they produce methane gas. 废物腐烂时会产生沼气 。4. Whole stretches of land were laid waste and depopulated. 一片片土地荒芜,人口减少 。5. Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. 太多的有毒废料在向大海里倾倒 。
