hyde school,介绍一下美国的hyde school海德学校

1 , 介绍一下美国的hyde school海德学校 可以去米高网看看全美私立高中学校库 , 可以具体看看学校的入学条件 , 师生比 , 国际学生比例 , 课程设置(AP课程、荣誉课程、ESL课程、课外活动) , SAT平均成绩 , 大学升学情况 , 多和下面群里的同学多交流 , 希望对你有帮助

hyde school,介绍一下美国的hyde school海德学校

2 , 有没有hyde school的英语简介hyde school海德学校hyde school创建于1966年 , 位于缅因州的bath市 。海德中学的招生是全年性的 , 几乎所有的学生都会参另暑期计划而作为第一学期 。该校的大学预科课程的提高性课程有数学、科学;特色性课程有法语、西班牙语、德语、管理学、计算机、表演艺术;特殊指导性课程有学习辅导、补救性阅读与数学训练 。http://www.hyde.edu/About HydeWhile there are millions of dedicated and committed people in this world, Hyde faculty will go to the ends of the earth to help kids and families connect with their potentials…ONLY AT HYDE.Founder Joseph Gauld was a dissatisfied teacher. He consistently found himself rewarding students based on achievement alone and oftentimes rewarding the highest grade to the student with the worst attitude…WATCH Joe talk about the founding of Hyde School.Gauld felt strongly that the American education system was failing young people, so he did something about it. In 1966, he founded Hyde School and based the curriculum in developing strong character in young people? SEE HISTORY.Is Hyde Right For You?We believe that behind every rebel is a leader in waiting. At Hyde, we strive to unearth that inner leadership through a rigorous character curriculum that not only leads rebel teenagers toward their unique purpose in life, but their families, too.The Hyde PromiseHyde Schools help students learn, embrace, and adopt a character compass that will guide them for the rest of their lives. This compass has four points:1 An explicit philosophy of character in the form of Five Words: Courage, Integrity, Leadership, Curiosity, and Concern;2 The most dynamic student peer culture in American education;3 A dedicated faculty that will go to the ends of the earth to help teenagers and families connect with their potentials;4 The opportunity for parents, the primary teachers, and the entire family to participate and gain individual and collective strength.Hyde Schools Offer To All Families? We strive to offer every student and family what we call a top- five experience of a lifetime.? Those of us who work at Hyde Schools do so because we believe that the world would be a better place if everyone spent some time here. We will continually strive to ensure the legitimacy of this belief.? Hyde Schools provide one-of-a-kind experiences where entire families grow together.? Hyde Schools consistently place at least 95 percent of graduates in four-year colleges. From academic preparation to actual college admission counseling, each student receives extensive personal attention.美国 海德中学Hyde Schools (CT)学校简介:Hyde Schools创建于上个世纪60年代初 , 创始人是JosephGauld , 一位十分杰出的数学老师 。他创校时的设想是想创办一所与众不同的学校 , 他认为现存的教育体系太过注重学生的学术水品 , 而忽略了他们性格的培养 。许多有才能的学生在传统的教育模式下往往不能取得理想的成绩 , Gauld在意识这一点后建立了HydeSchools , 这所学校在与其他学校完全不同的模式下运行 。该校的价值观可以总结为5个方面:勇气、正直、领导力、好奇心和集中力 。学校坚信每个人生来就具有独特的潜力和天分 。
hyde school,介绍一下美国的hyde school海德学校
