1 , Video的中文 影象/视频/录像【videostv乱sexo video,Video的中文】
2 , 1seeamovieommytofamilyusuallygoweekendthe2sameithelike1.My family usually go to see a movie on the weekend2.I like action movies for the same reason1`My family usually go to see a movie on the weekend.2`I like movies action the same for reasonmy family usually go to see a movie on the weekendI like movie action for the same reasonMy family usually go to see a movie on weekend ,I like the movies action for the same reason好多錯誤啊 , 請修改一下啦 。。謝謝
3 , my view on video games范文:My view on computerComputers are playing a more and more important role in modern society.They are widely used almost in every field,such as business,transportation and education.We use computers to process and store all kinds of information.Also,they are entering ordinary families.We use computers to control electrical appliances and entertain ourselves by playing games on them.Without computers,the world would not be what it is today.DESPite tHIS,computers cause trouble.For instance,a great system will be broken down when only a single computer goes wrong.It is possible that somebody breaks into a computer system to steal secret information.We can not rely so much on computers.So we should develop more advanced and reliable computers in order to make our life more colorful and meaningful.
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