
1,求英语优美文章十篇简短点积极向上的 Liuxiang(刘翔)-the flying man in the world! Liuxiang made a perfect fly in the olympic games in 2004, and won not only the gold metal but also the respect in the world! His fly knocked all the suspicions and discriminations down completely! "It is so perfect! I never expect to run so fast! Oh it is a dream to me, and it seems I am still in a dream!", he said! But it is just true, and it is himself who made the dream into truth! Xiuxiang, our hero, has been regarded as a flying man all of the world! 刘翔-世界飞人 刘翔在2004年的奥林匹克运动会上完美的冲刺,不仅赢得了金牌,而且赢得了世界的尊重 。他的飞翔打破了所有的怀疑和所有的种族歧视. ”太完美了.我从来没想到跑这末快.哦,对我来说就像做梦,看起来我好像还在梦中 。“他说到 。但这是真的 。是他自己使得美梦成真 。


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3,10篇英语美文80100词英语美文如下:1、Life full of confusing and dordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Step by step , the life hard to avoid delicacy and stiffness No enthusiasm forever, No unexpected happening of surpring and pleasing So, only silently ask myself in mind Next happiness, when will come?人生的纷纷扰扰,杂杂乱乱,在一个特定的时间,特定的地点,做脑海中安排千万遍的事,一步一骤,人生难免精致,却也死板,永远没有激情,没有意料之外的惊喜 。于是,也只有在心里默默地问:下一班幸福,几点开?2、Dark light, just light each other. The responsibility that you and my shoulders take together, the such as one dust covers up. Afraid only afraid the light suddenly put out in theendless dark night and Countless loneliness.暗黄的灯光,仅仅也只能照射过彼此 。你、我肩上共同担当的责任,犹如一片灰尘遮掩 。怕只怕灯丝的突然熄灭在这无尽的黑夜,数不尽的孤单 。3、Always insting. Use iron scoop too cold; Use porcelain scoop too weak; A wood scoop, engraved veins safely, engraved skys wasteland and glebes old. Just as happiness born in the years, not insolent, the every act and move blooms quietly.一直坚持着 。用铁勺太冰冷;用瓷勺又太脆弱;一只只木勺,刻出纹理安然,刻出天荒地老 。一如岁月中隐忍着的.幸福,不张狂,举手投足间悄然绽放 。4、Hope always more expect, engrave a bone a fat lot looked Clear can touch, just don t know where end . Can not find to come to the road of hour, just because of eying foot too very carefully.希望总是多过盼望,刻骨而又络络可见,清晰可触,只是不知道终结在哪儿 。找不到来时的路,只是因为太小心翼翼的注视脚下 。5、Never believe, next will be better, Blunder away, never repair return of regret. Even met the god of shining in a dream, Never ask: "Next happiness, when will come?"千万不要相信,下一个会更好,错失,就是补不回的遗憾 。即使在梦中,遇见那熠熠的神明,也永远不要问:“下一班幸福,几点开?"【优美英语文章,求英语优美文章十篇简短点积极向上的】
