Weak build quality

I do own a Nut Pro 2 since late December last year and really have to say that initially I liked the phone a lot.

However, from time to time issues appeared. Some of them are way too severe to ignore.

1) Improperly sealed display
When I wanted to clean my display with some rubbing alcohol, I noticed that some of it went underneath the display. While this wasn't too much of an issue with Isopropanol (left a few white dots), I am really afraid that even a normal rain drop will leak through and so cause serious damage.

2) Not properly working headphone adapter
Besides the dissapointing build quality, this issue is by far the most severe for me. Every now and then the Type C adapter caused issues, leading to inappropiate playback of music, sometimes even failing to recorgnize that headphones were attached.

Today night this issue became permanent. I already tried cleaning the port and connector. However, it did not help. The headphones themselves are fine though.

Cutting it short, the device is not worth what I paid for. Every cheap Xiaomi or even Meizu outperforms the Smartisan Nut Pro 2 in terms of build quality.

Paying 400€ for a device which is failing at the most simple requirements is absolutely inacceptable, if not even ashaming.

Luckily I still have warranty by Allianz, however, I am afraid that the Isopropanol leak could have caused the indicators to change their color.

Nontheless I am interested what Smartisan has to say about this.
