make sure,to be sure和make 的区别

1,to be sure和make 的区别这里是祈使句,用动词原形开头B 谓语动词A作状语be sure that注意, 一定要做到, 使有把握be sure of确信make surev.(1)确定(2)确信,证实

make sure,to be sure和make 的区别

2,make sure的意思make sure是务必,确保的意思
make sure,to be sure和make 的区别

3,make sure 的用法 make sure基本翻译vi. 弄明白(查明白)网络释义make sure:查明|务必|查明,务必要做到make sure of:对……有把握|确信某事|确定,弄清楚to make sure:确信|查明,弄确实make sure 后可接:1)宾语从句 2)of/about... 3)what/how/when/ do sth make sure to 确信所以选Cmake sure1. 查明;设法确保,确定You must make sure of the time and place.你必须把时间和地点弄清楚 。make sure that+从句make sure of+sthCmake sure to do:确保做某事make sure of+sthmake sure that+从句C是固定用法【make sure,to be sure和make 的区别】
make sure,to be sure和make 的区别

4,make sure后接to do还是do make sure to do sth确保做某事 。希望采纳,谢谢合作!!!make sure后接do比如:Make sure you mail the letter. It must be sent today. 希望你满意make sure to do make sure sb do sth如:Make sure to close the windows before you go out. 你出去之前一定要关窗户 。Therefore, make sure you close your database connections. 所以,您要确保已经关闭了数据库连接 。【俊狼猎英】 团队为您解答,欢迎追问英语里都是 make sure to do sth..如:make sure to do the dishes.记得一定要洗碗 。make sure to do your homework.记得一定要完成作业 。make sure do sth 语法上是错的 。5,Make sure和Be sure about 怎么区分具体一点 1、意思不同make sure表示“弄确实;核实;查证” 。be sure+about+动名词或名词,意为“确信……”;“对……有把握” 。2、用法不同make sure后可加从句或动词不定式,be sure about后只能加名词、代词或动名词 。扩展资料:从句不能单独成句,但它也有主语部分和谓语部分,是一个特殊句子,就像一个句子一样 。所不同在于,从句须由一个关联词(connective)引导 。根据从句语法功能的不同可分为:主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句、定语从句和状语从句6类 。前四类由于主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句及同位语从句在句子的功用相当于名词,所以通称名词性从句;定语从句功能相当于形容词,称为形容词性从句;而状语从句功能相当于副词,称为副词性从句 。状语从句还可以分为条件状语从句、原因状语从句、地点状语从句、目的状语从句、让步状语从句、比较状语从句、方式状语从句、结果状语从句和时间状语从句 。make sure = take action to ensure, 是一个动作,有祈使性,需要做些什么来保证.be sure = assure oneself, 是一种状态,对某个东西持肯定态度.含义一样 。make sure后可加从句或动词不定式,be sure about后只能加名词、代词或动名词 。6,Be sure 和make 的区别be sure 和make sure 的区别:Ⅰ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚 。如:① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的 。② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的 。Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语 。如:① I am sure of success= I am sure that I will succeed. 我深信会成功 。② Will you make sure of his return?= Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了 。好吗?Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时 。如:① Make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来 。② I am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的 。Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制 。如:① Make sure to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会 。② He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的 。be sure 和make sure 的区别:Ⅰ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚 。如:① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的 。② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的 。Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语 。如:① I am sure of success= I am sure that I will succeed. 我深信会成功 。② Will you make sure of his return?= Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了 。好吗?Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时 。如:① Make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来 。② I am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的 。Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制 。如:① Make sure to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会 。② He is sure to callⅠ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚 。如:① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的 。② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的 。Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语 。如:① I am sure of success= I am sure that I will succeed. 我深信会成功 。② Will you make sure of his return?= Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了 。好吗?Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时 。如:① Make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来 。② I am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的 。Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制 。如:① Make sure to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会 。② He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的 。be sure of 与 be sure about 的区别,be sure of 确信 例句:She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.她扭头看了看后面以确认自已是否站稳了.be sure about 对.很有把握例句:You can be sure about their interest in it.你可以肯定他们对引很感兴趣.Ⅰ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚 。如:① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的 。② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的 。Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语 。如:① I am sure of success= I am sure that I will succeed. 我深信会成功 。② Will you make sure of his return?= Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了 。好吗?Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时 。如:① Make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来 。② I am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的 。Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制 。如:① Make sure to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会 。② He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的 。▲make sure意为“确保”“弄清楚”,后接介词短语、不定式或从句 。如:(1)have you made sure of the time of the train?火车开车的时间你搞清楚了吗?(2)he arrived at the cinema early to make sure of a seat.为保证搞到座位,他一大早就到了电影院 。(3)i only come to make sure that everything was all right.我只是来弄清楚是否一切都没有问题 。(4)we made sure you were not coming today.我们确信你今天不来了 。【注】请注意make sure, be sure, for sure的区别:be sure后接不定式时,意为“一定”“必定”“准会”,若跟of或about或从句,作“肯定”“有把握”解释;to be sure作插入语时,意为“的确”“诚然” 。如:(5)be sure to write and tell me all the news.一定要写信告诉我所有的消息 。(6)she is sure to find out the truth tonight.她今晚一定会把真相搞清楚 。(7)she is not pretty, to be sure, but she is very clever.她的确不漂亮,但是她很聪明 。(8)im not quite sure of his telephone number.我不大清楚他的电话号码 。▲for sure 意为“肯定地”“毫无疑问地” 。如:(9)i dont know it for sure.这事我不敢肯定 。(10)i dont know for sure that he was dead.我确实不知道他已经去世了 。C.Be sure to returnbe sure to英 [bi: ?u? tu:]美 [bi ??r tu] 务必;必定;切;得make sure of英 [meik ?u? ?v]美 [mek ??r ?v] 确定,确保.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!
