
1 , 保险盒里accessory是什么意思 accessory英[?k?ses?ri]美[?k?s?s?ri]n.附件; 从犯; (衣服的) 配饰; 妇女饰品;adj.附属的; 附加的; 辅助的; 同谋的;如有帮助请采纳 , 如对本题有疑问可追问 , Good luck!


2 , accessory是什么意思accessory[ ?k?s?s?ri ]n. 饰品,附属品;配件,【法】同谋;从犯adj. 附属的;辅助的;附加的,【法】同谋的web. 配件,附件,饰品,配饰,附属的

3 , accessory是可数名词吗 可数 。如:Well-assorted accessories; an ill-assorted set of ski equipment. 很匹配的附件;一套不合适的滑雪器材祝你学习进步 , 更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟 , 请及时采纳 , 多谢!是的复数是复数accessories 【希望帮助到你 , 若有疑问 , 可以追问~~~祝你学习进步 , 更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】是这是它的复数accessories再看看别人怎么说的 。是 这是它的复数accessories【accessory,保险盒里accessory是什么意思】

4 , accessory和accessory的区别accessory 作【附件 , 附属品】的意思时 , 一般用复数(usually plural) accessories 时尚饰品bathroom accessories such as mirros and towelsaccessory 【同谋 , 帮凶】+ toeg. an accessory to murder 谋杀案的帮凶应该没错= =spare parts = 是零件 ,  以便损坏了可以替补和accessory =附加、添加、多余的零件 ,  是可有可无 ,  如汽车轮胎要加上跑车型的圆环 ,  汽车的地板要加铺猫做的垫 , 座椅要加上靠背 , 以及一些汽车装饰品等等5 , accessory accessory 作【附件 , 附属品】的意思时 , 一般用复数(usually plural) accessories 时尚饰品bathroom accessories such as mirros and towelsaccessory 【同谋 , 帮凶】+ toeg. an accessory to murder 谋杀案的帮凶应该没错= =n. 配件;附件;从犯adj. 副的;同谋的;附属的附件(接口) , 配件楼主你只是像问这个单词的意思?n. 配件;附件;从犯adj. 副的;同谋的;附属的[ 复数accessories ]6 , accessory 是什么意思 accessoryn.附件, 零件, 附加物, 从犯, 同谋者adj.附属的, 补充的, 同谋的, 副的辅助设备、辅助程序(计算机用语)fashion accessory 全部释义和例句>> 时装配件accessory 英[?k?ses?ri]美[?k?s?s?ri]n. 附件; 从犯; (衣服的) 配饰; 妇女饰品;adj. 附属的; 附加的; 辅助的; 同谋的;[例句]The gas box is provided with a gas charging device, a safety device and an accessory fixing device.气箱装有充气装置、安全装置和附件固定装置 。[其他] 复数:accessories 形近词: intercessory附(零,配)件;装饰品;同谋,帮凶7 , accessaryaccessory有什么区别accessary , 1、形容词 , 指同谋的 , 帮凶的 , 附带的;2、名词 , 同谋 , 帮凶 , 附件例句:This article mainly inquires into how to express designed thoughts and ideology better, and from the two aspects that hand-drawing is the basis of accessary design of the computer and accessary design of the computer makes up the shortcomings of hand-drawing to set forth the relation of accessary design of the computer and hand-drawing, it also introduces relative software of garden design.本文主要探讨用计算机如何更好地表达园林设计思想和设计理念 ,并从计算机制图要以手工制图为基础 ,计算机制图弥补了手工制图的不足这两个方面阐述了计算机辅助制图与手工制图的关系 ,同时介绍了相关的园林设计软件 。accessory1、形容词 , 指非主要的 , 辅助的 , 同谋的;2、名词 , 附件 , 从犯 , 衣服配饰例句: Therapeutic Observation on Accessory Electric Needle Treatment for Depression.电针辅助治疗抑郁症的疗效观察 。Improving Process Technology of Slot in Thin Shell Accessory.薄壳类零件槽孔加工工艺改进 。从例句中看出两个词并无太大区别 , 作名词同犯 , 帮凶讲时 , 都可以!8 , Accessory是什么意思 全面点啊 基本解释accessoryn.附件, 零件, 附加物, 从犯, 同谋者adj.附属的, 补充的, 同谋的, 副的accessoryn.附件, 零件, 附加物, 从犯, 同谋者adj.附属的, 补充的, 同谋的, 副的辅助设备、辅助程序(计算机用语再看看别人怎么说的 。accessories:n.辅助程序例句与用法: 1. He asked me to buy him some accessories for a car.他让我给他买些汽车附件 。2. The parts and accessories are urgently needed so we wish to receive your program invoice by return.因这些零配件急需 , 我们希望贵方见信后立即将工发票寄来 。3. Evening attire and accessories for women.夜礼服女士晚间的服装以及各种装饰物 4. Accessories, special tools and expendable required with each unit or totally are described in the technical specification.技术规范中叙述了每台设备或全部设备所需的附件、专用工具和消耗件 。英英解释: 名词accessory:1. clothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing同义词:accessory, accoutrement, accouterment2. a supplementary component that improves capability同义词:accessory, appurtenance, supplement, add-on3. someone who helps another person commit a crime同义词:accessory, accessary
