海外发稿稿件内容格式怎么写 采访稿格式( 三 )

? Experience 1
? Experience 2
? Experience 3
“[Quote from new executive about joining the company],” says [name]. “[Additional quote].”
“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the hiring],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”
[Additional quote, if desired].
About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].
Winning an Award
You won an award? Congrats! Use this template to publicize the great news.
你获奖了吗? 恭喜! 使用此模板可以宣传好消息 。
[Press Release Title:8-26words]
[City, State]: On [date of award win], [award giver] named [company] the winner of [award] at [event]. The award recognizes [reason for award]. Previous winners include [name previous prestigious winners of the award, if appropriate].
“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the award],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”
“[Quote from award giver about your company’s win, if available],” says [name], [role] at [award giver]. “[Additional quote].”
[Input additional content about the award, the ceremony where it was presented, and/or the methodology of award selection, if appropriate].
About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].
Major Customer Acquisition
Finally, you signed that household name company as an official customer. Use this template to highlight the achievement and the details.
您以正式客户的身份签署了该家喻户晓的公司 。使用此模板突出显示成就和细节 。
[Press Release Title:8-26words]
[City, State]: [Company name] today announced it has signed on with [customer name] as their [product/service name] for [function of product/service]. [Company name] is excited to partner with [new customer] to provide [benefit of product/service].
“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the new customer],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”
“[Quote from customer about partnership],” says [name], [title] at [partner company]. “[Additional quote].”
[Additional brief overview of the deal’s details and/or benefits, if applicable].
About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].
About [Partner]: [3-4 sentence description of the new customer and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].
If you’re merging with, acquiring, or being acquired by another company, announce the news and briefly outline the details here.
如果您要与另一家公司合并,收购或被另一家公司收购,请在此处发布新闻并在此处简要概述详细信息 。
[Press Release Title:8-26words]
[City, State]: [Company name] today it has [merged with/acquired/been acquired by] [company], effective [date].
“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the new merger/acquisition],” says [name], [title] at [your company]. “[Additional quote].”
“[Quote from higher-up in second company about the new merger/acquisition],” says [name], [title] at [second company]. “[Additional quote].”
For more information on how the [merger/acquisition] will affect current customers, please click here [link to further information].
About [Your Company]: [3-4 sentence description of your company and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].
About [Other Company]: [3-4 sentence description of the new customer and its recent accomplishments, if applicable].
以上8个模板为常用仅供参考,具体可以到【蓝狮问道】官网咨询 。
海外新闻稿发布方式境外社交账号自助发布(脸书、推特、Instagram、YouTube、博客等主要平台),境外的自媒体平台发布,跟国内的一点资讯、今日头条、新浪博客等等,这种是可以自己注册账号免费发布的,但这种是属于个人注册自行发布的内容,非媒体官方发布的,不具有一定的社会公信力、媒体权威性,如新浪官方新闻和新浪号发出媒体差距 。
