海外发稿稿件内容格式怎么写 采访稿格式

“通过全球各大顶级媒体的强大网络传播功能和权威的背书效果,全球各大中小企业不仅实现了信息在全球范围内的快速传播,让其产品及时完整的传递给目标群体,而且还运用了全球各大顶级媒体更好做背书,全方位的提升品牌及产品的可信度效果 。”蓝狮问道CBO在接受采访时说道 。
国内客户计划在海外新闻媒体发稿时,首要考虑的问题是品牌宣传稿的内容结构,本文从专业角度提供写海外英文新闻稿的撰写模版供参考 。
海外发稿稿件内容格式Included in this document are eight press release templates for various events and announcements you may want to share with the public. These templates include prompts for the following occasions:
1. New Product or Service Release
2. Fundraising Announcement
3. New Partnership
4. Company Milestone or Momentum
5. Hiring an Executive
6. Winning an Award
7. Major Customer Acquisition
8. Company Merger/Acquisition
Some of the content in each template varies based on the purpose of the announcement, while some content blocks are commonplace in most or all press releases. Replace all the bracketed content with information pertaining to your announcement.
每个模板中的某些内容根据公告的目的而有所不同,而某些内容块在大多数或所有新闻稿中都很常见 。将所有括号内的内容替换为与您的公告有关的信息 。
For best practices, remember to do the following for all of your press releases.
为获得最佳实践,请记住对所有新闻稿进行以下操作 。
? Start off with a concise lede – the key announcement and reason you’re releasing the statement. No need to wax poetic – remember to get straight to the point here.
? Include at least one quote from an executive or someone directly involved in the story. If another party or company is involved, try to source a quote from them as well.
? Whenever possible, break up takeaways and key points into a bulleted list.
? Keep the entire release brief, but provide a link to a product, company, or blog page for more information if you feel it would benefit the reader.
? Use the promotion plan template included in this kit to assign tasks and due dates to your team and to maximize the impact of your press release.
?从简洁的角度入手,关键声明和发布声明的原因,无需充满诗意,切记要直达主题 。
?至少包括一位主管或直接参与故事的人的名言, 如果涉及另一方或公司,请尝试从他们那里获取报价 。
?尽可能将要点和要点分解成项目符号列表 。
?保留整个发行摘要,但如果觉得对读者有利,则提供指向产品,公司或博客页面的链接以获取更多信息 。
?使用此工具包中包含的晋升计划模板为团队分配任务和截止日期,并最大限度地提高新闻稿的影响力 。
New Product or Service
Use this template for announcing a new service you’ll be providing or a new addition to your product line.
使用此模板可以宣布您将提供的新服务或产品系列的新功能 。
[Press Release Title:8-26words]
[City, State]: [Company name] today announced [name of new product/service], a new [product/service]. [Name of new product/service] is [description of product/service] and offers a new way for [target customer type] to [benefit or features].
“[Quote from higher-up in the company about the product/service],” says [name], [title] at [company]. “[Additional quote].”
Features and benefits of [product/service] include.
? Benefit or feature #1
? Benefit or feature #2
? Benefit or feature #3
[Product/Service] will be available starting [availability date], at [price point]. For more information on [product/service], visit [URL of product page].
