kindof,ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别


  • 1 , ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别
  • 2 , a kind of什么意思
  • 3 , kindof什么意思
  • 4 , kinds of和kind of的区别
  • 5 , kind of什么意思
  • 6 , kind of 有几种意思
  • 7 , kind与a of是什么意思
  • 8 , kind of是什么意思
1 , ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别a kind of “一种” , 后接单数或不可数名词kinds of “多种”后接复数名词kind of “有点 , 有些”近似于 a little
kindof,ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别

2 , a kind of什么意思a kind of的意思是:一种 。例句:1、The?book?is?a?kind?of?allegory?of?Latin?American?history.?这本书是对拉丁美洲历史的一种讽喻 。2、Even?passive?acceptance?of?the?regime?was?a?kind?of?collaboration.?即使被动接受该政权也是一种通敌行为 。3、The?wish?to?impose?order?upon?confusion?is?a?kind?of?intellectual?instinct?想在混乱中理出头绪是一种知性本能 。4、The?mist?had?been?replaced?by?a?kind?of?haze?that?seemed?to?amplify?the?heat?薄雾散了 , 取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭 。5、This special paper was actually thin, soft Sugiwara paper that had been stiffened with a kind of paste.这种特殊的纸实际是一种糨糊浆过的又薄又软的杉原纸 。【kindof,ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别】
kindof,ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别

3 , kindof什么意思kind of稍微;有几分;有点儿例句:That made me feel kind of stupid.那使我感到有点儿愚蠢 。I like him, kind of.我有点儿喜欢他 。
kindof,ofa ofkinds of之间有什么区别

4 , kinds of和kind of的区别kind of意思是“相当;有一些” , 例如 , He is kind of thin.他有点瘦 。kinds of意思是“很多种” , 例如 , all kinds of reasons , 各种原因 。5 , kind of什么意思kind of = 有一些1.一种2.有一点真是, 有点...这个词组是个很口语的说法,写作或正式情况下表用哦~~~kind of 有一点… a kind of 一种… kinds of 各种各样的…kind of:1.一种...2.善良a kind of fish: 一种鱼kind of you:你真好(对方主动伸出援助之手时所说的话)6 , kind of 有几种意思四种 1.稍微  , 有点 , 有几分 如Im not sure why ,but i feel kind of sorry for him2.后边跟单数名词 种类 如There are many kinds of snake in South America.南美洲有很多种蛇3.指某人或某事物的情况说不准He gave a kind of smile and left the room 他像是笑了一下就离开了房间4..在某种程度上 She kind of likes him 她有点儿喜欢他kind of=有点儿 , 似乎(口语~) i kind of like that dress. 我好像蛮喜欢那条裙子a kind of=一种 carrots are a kind of vegetables. 胡萝卜是一种蔬菜kind=种类 , 性质 , 仁慈的 , 和蔼的all kinds of 各种各样kind of基本翻译有点儿;有几分网络释义kind of:有点儿 | 有几分 | 有点7 , kind与a of是什么意思a kind 一种a kind of 一种什么 。。。比如:a kind of apple 一种苹果希望我的回答对您有帮助 , 祝好!一种一种 。。。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳 , 多谢你的问题!^_^a kind 是一种a kind of +名词 一种 。。东西a kind man 一个好人 , 好心人A Kind: 一种 A Different Kind ofDate: 另类约会 A New Kind: 一种新型 ;一种 a kind of 一种 , 一类;某种;有一点重点在于一类 , 类别不一样. 几分 , 少许 , 稍稍Although bamboo is really a kind of grass.尽管这样竹子的确是一种草 。Right. He is 《a kind man.》是的 。他是一个很好的人《A kind man》 gives money to charity.好心人会将钱捐给慈善机构 。希望能采纳 , 谢谢8 , kind of是什么意思kind of_百度翻译kind of 英[kaind ?v]美[ka?nd ?v][词典] 稍微 , 有点儿 , 有几分; [网络] 种类; 稍微; 一种; [例句]We can distinguish one kind of substance from another by its properties. 我们可以根据物质的特性把一种物质与另一种物质辨别开来 。kind [kaind] n. 种类, 性质 adj. 仁慈的, 和蔼的, 亲切的, 友爱的 kind [kaind] n. 种;类 people of many kinds 多种类型的人 the only one of its kind 其中的一种 try to find out what kind of people have the most need of help? 研究一下看看哪种人最需要帮助 。the same kinds of things are produced and sold by many different companies in the u.s. 美国许多不同的公司生产和出售着同类产品 。性质;属 they differ in degree but not in kind. 他们是程度不同, 而不是性质不同 。in kind 用实物(支付) kind of 有点儿 , 有几分 she kind of hoped to be invited. 她有被邀请的希望 。of a kind 同类的;(质量)低劣的 coffee of a kind 质量低劣的咖啡 kind adj. 仁慈的;善良的;好心的 be kind to animals 爱护动物 she was kind to me when i was unhappy. 当我不高兴的时候 , 她对我很好 。how kind of bill to get our board and lodging ready. "约翰真好,给我们安排好了食宿 。" be kind enough to reply early. 请早日答复 。kind considerate decent friendly generous gentle make nature sort species sympathetic tender thoughtful type variety warmhearted
