全国中学生英语能力竞赛试题,全国中学生英语能力竞赛题型难吗能不能在网上报名啊( 二 )



4,最近的全国中学生英语能力竞赛试题初一急2010年全国中学生英语能力竞赛初一年级初赛试题笔试部分ⅠMultiple-choice1.下列字母中含有相同元音音素的一项是A d h kB j t zC c g pD o q u2.下列句中标点符号及书写均正确的是A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again.”B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese.C《Harry Potter》is a very interesting book.D Does Jenny come home from school by bike?3.Sonia puts _____ clock and _____ art book on her desk.A a; anBan; theC /; theD a;a4.—Excuse me. Is this ______ dictionary? --No. That one is ________.A I; youB my; yoursC me; youD my; my5.Uncle Tom lives _____ a farm ______ the country.A in; atB near; onC over; ofD on; in6.May cant go swimming this Sunday. She has _______ her mother at home.A looking forB to look afterC looking upD to look like7.There is _______ milk in the glass. You may drink it.A manyB a fewC a littleD little8.--________ is the tall girl in a black jacket? --Its Simons new classmate.9.Which of the following signs means “You cant take photos here.”AB C D 10.The maths problem is __________. I can work it out _________.A difficult hardB fun; funnyC easy; easilyD interesting; interested11.The old man wants six _____ of _______ for his fruit shop.A boxes bananaB box; bananasC boxes; bananasD box banana12.______ talk with others in class. Its not polite.A Dont beB DontC Be notD No13.Tina, with her friend Cathy, often _____ to the park on her bike.A goesB goC goingD to go14.—Would you like a cup of tea?--______Id like a glass of water, please.A Thats right.B Bad newsC Yes, pleaseD No, thanks.15.—Thank you for asking me to your party.--_________.A Sorry about thatB Youre welcomeC The same to youD Youre clever.ⅡReading comprehensionAThe winter holiday is coming. Lindas good friend, Judy, wants to visit Lindas hometown, so she asks Linda about the weather there. Look at the following chart.Sunday25℃Monday28℃Tuesday21℃Wednesday20℃Thursday18℃Friday20℃Saturday15℃sunnycloudycloudy &sunnyrainy10℃↓:could11℃--19℃:cool20℃--25℃:warm25℃↑:hotComplete the sentences according to the passage. Fill in each blank with no more than two words.1.Judy wants to go to _________________ this winter holiday.2.Wednesday is cloudy with the temperature of ________.3.The sixth day of the week is a _______ and rainy day.4.________ is the coolest day in this week.5.From the chart, we can see there are three ________.BSara drinks too much coffee. She drinks three cups after she gets up. She drinks two at work in the morning and another cup at lunch. She drinks two cups every afternoon.At night, Sara cant sleep. Sometimes her eyes are open all night. Sara feels tired in the morning. She has a bad headache.Sara calls Dr. Brown and says, “Doctor, I cant sleep at night. I think that I need some sleeping pills.”“How many cups of coffee do you drink every day?” the doctor asks.“Eight,” Sara answers.“I dont think you need sleeping pills,” says the doctor. “You need to stop drinking so much coffee.”Now Sara drinks one cup of coffee in the morning. She drinks water the rest of the day. Sara feels better now. She can sleep very well.Answer the following questions according to the passage.1.Whats Saras favorite drink?2.Why does Sara call Dr. Brown for help? 3.What does the doctor tell her to do?Translate the underline sentences into Chinese.4. Sometimes her eyes are open all night.5. She drinks water the rest of the day.ⅢClozeA) Read the passage below, and fill in the blanks according to the contest with the suitable form of 10 words or phrases out of the 12 given.beonlylovesaya lot offewtheybodytheseallorspeakPandas are beautiful animals and people love __________. They look funny and _________. They have white ________, black legs, black ears and round, black eyes.The pandas name _______ sometimes “panda bear”, but is it a bear? __________ bears have short legs, big feet and round ears. Their noses are black, too. “Panda have ________ things, but they are different kind of animal.” George Schaller __________. Why? Because they dont eat meat, fish ______ fruit. Brown, black and white bears can eat those foods, but pandas can _______ eat one kind of plant.There arent _______ pandas in the world now. We should do something to take care of them.B)Read the passage below, and fill in the blanks with suitable words, using one word for each black.Peters family has a restaurant. People like eating meals ______ .His parents work hard every day. Some days a week, _______ school and weekends, Peter goes to the restaurant. He does his homework ______ the back room.Sometimes, the restaurant is full _____ people. Peters mother and father need his help. He cleans the tables and brings the water ________ customers. Peter also helps in the kitchen. He really likes that.ⅣSentence pattern transformation.Transform the sentences as required.1.We always go to a basketball match on Sundays.(改写为一般疑问句)2.She often calls her parents in the evening.(改写为否定句)3.Laura has only one history book.(对划线部分提问)4.I have a present to give you. Its beautiful.(合并为一句话)5.Mr. Smith uses English to write the letter.(改写为同义句)ⅤTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.我的父母对他人很友好 。(friendly)2.我认为一个好朋友能让我开心 。(make)3.今天下午去钓鱼怎么样?(what about)4.Millie的哥哥擅长烹饪 。(be good at)5.你的电脑和Cindy的一样 。(the same as)ⅥDialogue completionBeneath the dialogue there are seven choices in the box. Choose five of them that best complete the dialogue.Lisa: Could you give me a hand, please?Paul:_____________Lisa: Could you run over to the store? We need a few things.Paul: Of course. _____________Lisa: Well, can you go to buy a kilo of chicken?Paul: OK. ___________Lisa: Let me see. Were out of milk.Paul: How much?Lisa:____________Paul: Ok. So thats a kilo of chicken and two bottles of milk.Lisa: ____________Paul: My pleasure.A. Thats right. Thanks.B. Is that everything?C. Two bottles would be enough.D. What do you need?E How much do we need?F How many would you like me to get?G. Sure. What is it?ⅦIQAnswer the following questions.1.—I have a new task but its really childs play. Theres nothing to it. --Whats the task. --They ask me to count the books in the room.Guess the meaning of “childs play” here. (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)2.Sunshine School takes 130 children on a school trip. Each mini-bus can hole 20 children. How many mini-buses do they need at least?3.There are five words below. Two of them are different from the others. Please find them.colourredgreenblackbrightThe two words are ________ and ________.4.What comes once in a year, twice in a week and never in a day?5.There is one letter in the crosswords. Please fill the crosswords with the four words.tdate, fire, half, hardKeysⅠMultiple-choiceCDABCBCABCCBADBⅡReading comprehensionA1.Lindas hometown2.20℃3.Friday4.Saturday5.sunny daysB1. Coffee.2. Because she cant sleep.3.She needs to stop drinking so much coffee.4.有时她整晚都睡不着 。5.在一天中的剩余时间里她都喝水 。ⅢCloze1.them;lovely;bodies;is;All;these;said;or;only;a lot of2.there; both; in; of; toⅣSentence pattern transformation.1.Do you always go to a basketball match on Sundays?2.She doesnt often call her parents in the evening.3.How many history books does Laura have?4.I have a beautiful present for you.5.Mr Smith writes the letter in English.ⅤTranslation1.My parents are very friendly to others.2.I think a good friend can make me happy.3.What about going fishing this afternoon?4.Millies brother is good at cooking.5.Your computer is the same as Cindys.ⅥDialogue completionGDBCAⅦIQ1.A very easy task2.Seven3.E4.h a l fairrd a t e5,全国中学生英语能力竞赛都有什么题需要注意什么 本竞赛初赛和决赛由全国竞赛组委会统一命制赛题,命题原则是依纲(现行英语教学大纲和新课标)靠本(现行课本)求新(多用新题型),既有同步性,又有水平度 。各年级赛题以主观题(非选择题)为主,客观题(选择题)为辅,既考察英语基础知识和基本技能,又考察英语综合运用能力、学习能力和智力水平,本竞赛每年举办一次 。初赛包括笔答和听力 。决赛分两种方式,各地可任选一种:第一种是只参加笔试(含听力),第二种是参加笔试(含听力)和口试 。值得注意的事项1.认真分析语境,读懂题干,掌握大意;2.通过选项了解该题主要考查哪方面的知识;3.注意抓题干中的关键词,弄清楚它们与空格中所缺信息的逻辑联系;4.借助排除法、补全法、还原法、比较法、逻辑推理法和情境分析法等方法解答难题;5.始终注意保持“两个平衡”:语法平衡和逻辑平衡,即既符合语法又符合事理;5.选择答案时要防止望文生义,一定要具体情况具体分析;6.注重对背景文化、习惯表达以及生活常识等的正确理解和把握 。7.选择题须用铅笔将所选的字母标号涂在答题纸相应的位置上 。总之,把答题始终置于具体的语境分析中进行;并养成全面分析,认真细致的好习惯,这样才能最大限度地防止失误,保证答题的质量 。你可以到奥威斯发展大厦29层进行系统学习来为竞赛做准备 。初赛报名估计是9月份,初赛将于11月中旬(周日)上午9:00—11:00 在全国各地同时举行 。笔答与听力 决赛将于12月中旬(周日)上午9:00—11:00 在全国各地同时举行 。笔试(含听力)与笔试(含听力)与口试任选一全国中学生英语能力竞赛初、决赛笔试满分均为150分(其中听力30分) 。决赛设有口试,分值为30分,作为决赛附加分 。笔试和口试方案和题目由全国组委会统一命制 。本竞赛每年举办一次,分各赛区初赛、决赛和全国总决赛三个阶段,次年暑假举办全国总决赛和夏令营活动 。夏令营期间,各省选手有机会参加全国中学生英语演讲比赛、全国中学生英语辩论赛、全国中学生英语风采大赛以及全国优秀中学生英语学习经验交流会等系列活动 。参赛时,考生应注意以下技巧和答题策略:● 认真分析语境,读懂题干,掌握大意;● 通过选项了解该题主要考查哪方面的知识;● 注意抓题干中的关键词,弄清楚它们与空格中所缺信息的逻辑联系;● 借助排除法、补全法、还原法、比较法、逻辑推理法和情境分析法等方法解答难题;● 始终注意保持“两个平衡”:语法平衡和逻辑平衡,即既符合语法有符合事理;● 选择答案时要防止望文生义,一定要具体情况具体分析;● 注重对背景文化、习惯表达以及生活常识等的正确理解和把握 。总之,把答题始终置于具体的语境分析中进行;并养成全面分析,认真细致的好习惯,这样才能最大限度地防止失误,保证答题的质量 。若满意请采纳给点分更好嘿嘿
