如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式


如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

如果你有此烦恼,那么你就要认真的看看下面的内容了,会帮助你理清思路,精准表达 。
学会这些,你就是外企的职场小达人了 。
01. Cc and Bcc 抄送和密送
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

We should understand the difference between Cc and Bcc.
Cc means a 'carbon copy' of the email is sent to someone;
Bcc means a 'blind carbon copy' is sent to people whose email addresses will not be seen by the recipient.
例:He Cc-ed his colleagues and Bcc-ed his boss on the email.
02. Bullet points 要点
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

Bullet points are some symbols, often small circles, that show information in a list.
They can make lists easier to read so it's very important.
例:He shared his idears using bullet points.
03. Reply 回复
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

To answer someone.
【如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式】例:The customer relpied to my email the next day.
04. Reply all 全部回复
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

when answering an email, including all the people the original email was sent.
He wasn't sure whether to 'Reply all' or 'Reply' to his manager.
05. Subject line 主题行
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

Subject usually under 'from' and 'to' in an email that tells you what the email is about.
People should get the main information from the subject line, so the subject lines should be clear and concise.
例:Don't forget to write something on the subject line before you send the email.
06. Attachment 附件
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

A computer file sent as part of an email. Check any attachments before you hit 'send'.
例:Please see the attachment for more information.
07.Emoticon 表情符号
如何写好一封英文电子邮件 英文邮件格式

An image used in eletronic communication to express an emotion.
Emoticons are noly appropriate for informal emails, so pay more attention about that.
例:He chose a smiley face emoticon to show he was happy with the result.
01. Hi Tom, 你好汤姆 。(用于句首)
02. I am writing with regard to ... 我写信是关于...
例:I am writing with regard to the new project plan.
03. I'm Cc-ing... 我抄送...
例:I'm Cc-ing Eva on this, as she will be in the meeting.
我抄送伊娃,因为她也要参加会议 。
04. Please find attached... 请查看附件...
例:Please find attached this month's report.
请查收附件中这个月的报告 。
05. I'm forwarding... 我转发....
例:I’m forwarding the email I recerived from the client.
我转发我从客户那里收到的邮件 。
06. Standard ending 标准的收尾格式
例:Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
如果你有任何问题或担心请尽管来联系我 。
