傻瓜用英文怎么说 傻瓜男孩的英文怎么写

傻瓜用英文怎么说 傻瓜男孩的英文怎么写

1. fill/ full
Ⅰ.fill为及物动词,表“使……满”,常与介词with搭配,表达“被……充满”使用be filled with结构 。如:
① The bottle is filled with water. 这只瓶子装满了水 。
② He was filled with joy at the news. 听到这个消息,他内心充满了喜悦 。
Ⅱ.full是形容词,多作表语,表示主语所处的状态,常见于be full of 结构中 。如:
① The schoolbag is full of books. 书包里装满了书 。
② He drew in an old badsket full of sand.他捞上来一个灌满泥沙的旧篮子 。
[注]:be filled with = be full of .可以互换 。但介词with与of 不能混淆 。如:
The room is full of people. = The room is filled with people.
2. final/ last
Ⅰ.final表终止或结束之意,有时带有决定性或结论性等意味 。如:
① Today is the final day of this term. 今天是本学期的最后一天 。
② We shall know the final results of the elections tomorrow. 明天我们将知道选举的最后结果 。
Ⅱ.last “最后的、末尾的”指按次序的前后或时间的先后居于最后,并意味着后面不再有了 。如:
① My house stands in the last row.
② He was the last one to enter.
3. finally/ at last/ in the end
这三个都可以作“最后”讲,但用法不同 。
Ⅰ.finally表动作的发生顺序是在“最后”,无感情色彩,只用于过去时,它居句首时较多 。
Ⅱ.at last 表经过一定曲折之后某事才发生,强调努力的结果,带有较强的感情色彩,须用一般过去时 。
Ⅲ.in the end 表事物发展的自然顺序地“终结”,有时或与 finally相互替换,但用于对将来的预测,则只能用in the end 。如:
① Did the man in the shop understand him at last?
② Finally he went to see the famous man himself.
③ I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end.
4. famous as / famous for
Ⅰ. (be) famous as “以(某种身份)……出名(著名)”as后跟人宾语往往与主语同位 。如:
① She is famous as a poet. 他以一名诗人而著名 。
② The town is famous as a car-making place. 该城镇以制造汽车而闻名 。
Ⅱ. (be) famouse for “困……而闻名(驰名)”表示由于某种特征而出名,for后的宾语一般为主语人从属内容 。如:
① China has been famous for its silk. 中国素以丝绸闻名 。
② This city is famous for its big gambling resort. 该市因其大赌场而驰名 。
5. fix/ mend/ repair
Ⅰ. 这三个词都可译为“修理”,但fix 一词在美语中应用更广泛 。fix 和repair 一样,都表示使受到一定损坏或失灵的东西恢复其性状或机能,如“修理、安装”钟表、收音机、照相机、电视机、汽车和机床等大型物体 。repair 还可以用于修筑堤坝、道路和建筑等 。如:fix/repair a
Ⅱ mend 一般用于“修补”破损的东西使其恢复原样,一般指较小之物 。如衣服、鞋袜、伞和桌椅等 。如:mend shoes/a broken table
6. foolish/ silly / stupid
Ⅰ.foolish 的意思是“愚蠢的、傻的”,指显得缺乏判断力或普通常识的人或言行等 。如:
① How foolish of you to condent!你竟会同意,多么愚蠢啊!
② Don’t be so foolish. 别那么傻 。
③ He is a foolish man to throw away such a chance. 他放弃这样的机会真是个傻瓜 。
Ⅱ.silly的意思是“愚蠢的、傻的”,表示愚蠢到了极点,以致令人发笑或轻视,它还常常表示没有意思、无聊等意义 。如:
① How silly of you to do that! 你竟做那件事,多么愚蠢啊!
