
【怎么能够我怎么能够埋藏一切回忆】1. 找一些你喜欢的运动/活动,如跑步、骑行、散步或者游泳,即使是室内运动也行 。通过这些新的兴趣爱好将你从不愿想起原有回忆中释放出来;
2. 学习一个新语言或者手工制作 。在学习和手工制作中寻找灵感并沉浸其中 。当旧思绪开始出现时立即切换思考焦点;
3. 让你的生活多样化 。尝试不同的食物、小众音乐或者胡闹式呆在家里看电影——都可以帮助你遗忘令人难受的回忆;
4. 阅读有益之书:通过阅读有益之书来专注于前方明天而不是往昔太多阴影 。
1. 对“不愿想起”原有回忆强行表情化(EMDR) —— EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) 是一种帮助人们减少对剧 痛情感和思考上要应由重复叙述, 用眼球便神通道将 “distressing memories” (like traumatic memories or very painful memories that can cause anxiety, depression or even phobia) 处理, 让大 神释然清零没得再sad sad ! ; 2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – CBT is a type of therapeutic technique used to identify how our thoughts affect our feelings and vice versa, in order to help us manage the symptoms related to mental health issues such as stress and depression. Through this therapy we learn how to challenge unhelpful thought patterns which lead us towards negative emotions like guilt or regret associated with past events.; 3. Mindfulness Meditation - This practice helps you become aware of your thoughts without judging them while trying to focus on the present moment instead of dwelling on the past ones.; 4 . Positive Distraction Methods – There are many positive distraction methods that could be helpful when it comes burying all those cherished memories from the past., Like listening music , watching movies , playing games etc .
