【汽车装饰英文名称汽车怎么叫装饰车呢英语?】装饰车是指将汽车进行精心装饰 , 以使其外观更加漂亮的一种汽车 。它是由专业的汽车修理店或汽车装饰商店来完成的,包括改装发动机、车身空气动力学、车身漆面、内部装饰、外部装饰等 。
Decorated cars refer to cars that have been carefully decorated to make them look more attractive. It is completed by professional car repair shops or car decoration stores, including engine modification, body aerodynamics, body paint, interior decoration, exterior decoration and so on.
装饰车可以提高汽车的外观 , 使它看起来更加时尚和漂亮 , 从而受到更多人的注意 。此外,装饰车也可以增强汽车的性能 , 如改装发动机,改善车身空气动力学,以及改善车身漆面等,从而提高汽车的效率 。
Decorated cars can improve the appearance of the car, making it look more fashionable and beautiful, thus attracting more people's attention. In addition, decorated cars can also enhance the performance of the car, such as modifying the engine, improving the body aerodynamics, and improving the body paint, thus improving the efficiency of the car.
装饰车的安装过程也很重要,因为在安装过程中,它可以帮助汽车达到最佳性能 。装饰车也要求安装者拥有特殊的技能和经验 , 以便将装饰车安装得更好 。
The installation process of decorated cars is also very important, because in the installation process, it can help the car achieve the best performance. Decorated cars also require installers to have special skills and experience in order to install the decorated cars better.
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