如何用英语介绍自己的长相 怎么介绍自己长相英语

本文将介绍我的长相,包括头发、眼睛、鼻子和脸部表情 。
I have a round face and my hair is black and short. My eyes are big and bright, and they are brown in color. My nose is small and cute. I always have a smile on my face, which makes me look friendly and approachable.
My skin is smooth and fair. I am tall and slim. I usually wear casual clothes that are comfortable and not too flashy. I like to keep things simple and neat.
I take good care of my health and appearance, so I often go to the gym and eat healthy food. I also like to dress up for special occasions, such as weddings or parties.
In conclusion, I have a nice and attractive appearance. My hair is black and short, my eyes are big and bright, my nose is small and cute, and my skin is smooth and fair. I take good care of my health and appearance, so I always look neat and presentable.
