How do you pronounce "Kashgar" in English?
Answer: It is pronounced as "Kash-gar".
1. "Kashgar" is a city located in the western part of China.
2. The name "Kashgar" comes from the Uyghur language, which is spoken by the majority of the population in the city.
3. In Chinese, "Kashgar" is written as "喀什", which can be translated as "Ka-shi".
4. However, when speaking in English, it is more common to use the pronunciation "Kash-gar".
5. Kashgar has a long and rich history, with evidence of human presence dating back to the Bronze Age.
6. Today, it is known for its bustling markets, beautiful mosques, and unique culture.
【喀什的英文怎么说喀什用英语怎么读】If you are planning a trip to Kashgar, remember to pronounce it as "Kash-gar" in English. This city is definitely worth a visit for its fascinating history and vibrant atmosphere.
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