纸箱 衣服 纸箱衣服怎么选尺码呢英文

How to choose the right size for cardboard clothes?
1. Know your measurements
Before buying a cardboard garment, measure your chest, waist, hips, and other relevant areas. Compare these measurements with the size chart provided by the manufacturer.
2. Consider the fit
Cardboard clothes may not fit like traditional fabric garments. They may be stiffer or looser in certain areas. Think about the type of fit you want and how it will affect your movement.
3. Check the material
Different types of cardboard may have different levels of flexibility and durability. Consider the type of cardboard used in the garment and how it will affect the fit and longevity of the clothing.
【纸箱 衣服纸箱衣服怎么选尺码呢英文】Choosing the right size for cardboard clothes requires careful consideration of your measurements, desired fit, and the type of cardboard used in the garment. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that your cardboard clothes fit well and last as long as possible.
