亲爱的用英语怎么说视频 亲爱的用英语怎么说( 二 )

My darling, you are adorable
亲爱的, 你真迷人
\”Honey, I forget to duck. \”
They interred their dear comrade in the arms.
他们埋葬了他们亲爱的战友 。
Darling, you look simply ravishing in that dress!
I don\’t want to spoil you, dear boy.
我不愿意纵容你,亲爱的孩子 。
Unfortunately, because of the treachery of our dear allies we are forced to retire gradually.
很不幸,由于我们亲爱的盟友叛变,我们不得不逐步后撤 。
Honey, I have a bone to pick with you. Could you tell me what you want to buy when you ask me to accompany you shopping?
Between two dishes on the list was the description: Dearest Walter,with hard-boiled egg.
在两道菜名之间,有这样一行字:“最亲爱的沃尔特和白煮鸡蛋 。”
To every endearment and attention he continued listless
对于每一种亲爱的表示和每一种的照顾,他一直漫不在意 。
n. 心爱的人;亲爱的
adj. 倍受喜爱的
He\’s a darling old man.
他是一个可爱的老人 。
You are my own darling child, Valentine!
I choose you because you have such a darling complexion.
我之所以挑选你,是因为你的长相讨人喜欢 。
亲爱的my dear的英语例句
1. My dear Lady Mary, how very good to see you.
亲爱的玛丽夫人,见到您真是太高兴了 。
2. At last I am back at my dear little desk.
我终于回到了我那张可爱的小桌子旁 。
3. What would you have done in my place, my dear?
4. My dear man, you are welcome to stay.
我的老弟,欢迎你留下来 。
5. Of course, Toby, my dear fellow, of course.
当然,托比,我亲爱的朋友,当然 。
6. \”I\’m putting on weight.\”—\”Nonsense my dear.\”
“我长胖了 。”“胡说,亲爱的 。”
7. Fear not, my dear, for I am here.
别怕, 亲爱的, 我在这儿.
8. Ah, Julia, my dear, here is our guest. May we have some tea?
喂,朱莉娅,亲爱的,来客人了 。沏点茶好吗?
9. My dear compatriot, it is time that we did something for our country.
亲爱的同胞们, 为国效劳的时候到了.
10. \” My dear, \” he returned, \” I haven\’t time. I\’m too busy. \”
“ 亲爱的, \” 他回答, \” 我没空, 我太忙了. ”
11. \’My dear friend, I have a charmed life in this city.
“ 我亲爱的朋友, 在这城市的生活里我有一张护身符呢!
12. O my dear, my dear, will you bless me as fervently to – morrow?\’
啊,我亲爱的, 亲爱的, 你明天也愿这样热烈地为我祝福 么 ? ”
13. Are you capable of forming any plan , my dear good Mr. Cruncher? \”
你能出个主意么, 我亲爱的可怜的克朗彻先生? ”
14. \” All right, my dear,\’said Mrs. Hurstwood. \” Don\’t be gone long. \”
“ 好吧, 宝贝, \”赫斯渥太太说, \” 别去太久了.
15. My dear ones, I will not make a comparative analysis.
我亲爱的同胞, 我不要再作比较.
亲爱的my darling的英语例句
1. Yes, of course, my darling.
是,当然了,亲爱的 。
2. My darling! How sweet of you to come!
亲爱的! 你来到这里多让人高兴 啊 !
3. Don\’t take it to heart, my darling.
4. I pray that death may not intervene to prevent our meeting with my darling children.
