亲爱的用英语怎么说视频 亲爱的用英语怎么说( 三 )

我祈祷死亡不要阻挠我们与我亲爱的孩子们见一面 。
5. \” My darling, \” the mother said, raising her eyes to the sky.
“ 我的好乖乖, ” 母亲说着抬起两眼仰望天空.
6. The sun rose and smiled on it, saying, \” Are you well, my darling? \”
太阳升上来了,向它微笑, 说道: “ 你好么, 我的宝贝儿? ”
7. My darling wife and I are going to Europe.
8. I wouldn\’t vex my darling, for the wide world\’s riches.
9. My darling, what can be virtuous or sinful about buying a chicken?
我亲爱的, 买只鸡的事还能谈得上什么善恶 么 ?
10. \’You must not be weak, my darling,\’he remonstrated;\’don\’t tremble so. I have saved him.
“ 你不能软弱呀, 我亲爱的, ” 他抗议道, “ 不要这样发抖, 我已经把他救出来了. ”
11. My darling. Please let me explain what had happened.
亲爱的, 请让我解释发生的事情.
12. My darling 3 half moon, some sneeze, snuffle, cough!
我的宝宝3个半月了, 有些打喷嚏, 鼻塞, 咳嗽!
13. Oh, my love, my darling hungered for your touch along, lonely time.
噢, 俺的爱, 俺滴亲爱的Ive渴望了您的接触久, 偏僻的时光.
14. We will try to lead a perfect life my darling.
15. You shall take some medicine and a good sleep, my darling!
【亲爱的用英语怎么说视频 亲爱的用英语怎么说】亲爱的,你该吃些药,好好休息一下.
