
对于英语作文的写作,我们要掌握相关技巧 。 以下是小编为大家精心整理的高二英语常考作文模板,欢迎大家阅读 。
I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life.
我一直梦想着回到过去 。 许多人说,童年在我们的生命中是最快乐的,也是过的最快的 。
Children show you their true emotions. They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults. In their world all real thoughts are presented. They may easily have different opinions with others but they never understand what is animosity. They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other. Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple more real and more enjoyable.
孩子们向你展示自己真实的情感 。 他们知道什么是同情,什么是宽容 。 在他们的世界里,所有想法都是单纯真实的 。 他们可以很容易地与其他人有不同看法,但他们从来没有明白什么是仇恨 。 他们喜欢结交朋友,但他们从来不考虑用社交网络 。 每个孩子都发自内心地和其他人交流,没有邪恶计划和隐藏的阴谋 。 只有用童年时期的方式才能让成年人们的生活更简单,更真实、更愉快 。
I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.
我希望每个人的心都会保持他们曾经拥有的童年时期的天真可爱 。 然后,横在人们心中的心墙会坍塌,世界将是一个更好的住所 。
Lady Gaga the famous american singer is my favourite person. I am not only fascinated by her forever-changing out-fit but also her unique style of singing. She loves singing and is very hard working. Although she did not graduate from university she had a perfect reason. only in this way can she concentrate more on singing.
Lady Gaga,美国著名歌手,是我最喜欢的人 。 我不仅是对她的百变造型很着迷,而且她的演唱风格独特 。 她喜欢唱歌,是很辛苦的工作 。 虽然她没有从大学毕业,她有了一个完美的原因 。 只有这样,她能把更多的精力集中在唱歌 。
I think there is a lot for me to learn from her.
我想我有很多东西要向她学习 。
What I admire about Lady Gaga is that she doesnt care what other people think. She is herself. She is orginal not a copy of anything. I find lots of strength in that. I know a lot of people think she is weird I can agree she is different but that's why I love her. I hate it when people call her eccentric Its really pathetic considering you dont know her! I like the fun originality and unexpected suprises she brings. C'mon you never really know what to expect from her but it blows my mind!
我很欣赏Lady Gaga,她不在乎别人怎么想 。 她是她自己 。 她就是最开始的她,不是任何人的复制品 。 她让我得到了许多力量 。 我知道很多人都觉得她很奇怪,我知道她是不同的,这就是为什么我爱她 。 我恨人们叫她偏心,这真的很可怜,考虑你不知道她!我喜欢她带来的有趣的创意和意想不到的惊喜 。 拜托,你永远不会真正知道她会发生什么,但它吹拂我的心灵!
Learners of English, especially beginners have troubles in understanding speeches by native speakers. Bur how to improve listening ability? Here I'd like to introduce you some ways which might help you to improve you listening ability.
First of all, do things step by step. It is no good to listen to anything beyond your level . Don't choose too difficult materials .
