在中国民间美术的艺术理念里 , “图必有意 , 意必吉祥”被视为不二法宝 。 而汗牛充栋的中国传统吉祥瑞兽中 , 排名首位的 , 非龙莫属 , 没有之一 。 因此 , “双龙戏珠”这一意象在中国传统文化中的重要地位自是不言而喻 。
在中国古代神话中 , 龙珠是龙的精华 , 是它们修炼的原神所在 , 所以人们在艺术表达中 , 通过两条龙对玉珠的争夺 , 象征着人们对美好生活的追求 。
双龙戏珠是两条龙或戏耍、或抢夺一颗火珠的表现形式 。 它的起源来自中国天文学中的星球运行图 , 火珠是由月球演化来的 。

从西汉开始 , 双龙戏珠便成为一种吉祥喜庆的装饰图纹 , 多用于建筑彩画和高贵豪华的器皿装饰上 。 双龙的形势有左右相对、上下排列等多种样式 。 但不管是何种排列 , 火珠均在中间 , 显示出活泼生动的气势 。

【双龙戏珠是怎么玩的 什么叫双飞】
“双龙戏珠”的吉祥图案 , 其寓意包罗万象——既预示着繁荣昌盛、国泰民安的景象;又包含了风调雨顺、五谷丰登的希冀;还兼具平安长寿、飞黄腾达、吉祥如意的祈愿以及子孙延绵的生殖崇拜……象征着人们对美好生活的多元追求 。
本期的封面故事 , 就带大家赏析:“双龙戏珠”入封面 , 为生物医学领域带来怎样的吉祥?

A hydrogen peroxide activatable nanoprobe for light-controlled “double-check” multi-colour fluorescence imaging
A new probe for precise and accurate bioimaging contributes significantly to advancing biomedical research for early disease diagnosis and treatment monitoring. Through wrapping a photochromic molecule (SP-Np-B) within a polymer nanoparticle, a new light-controlled multicolour fluorescence nanoprobe (Poly-SP-Np-B) is developed for precise fluorescence subcellular bioimaging. Poly-SP-Np-B shows an “OFF–ON” red-emitting fluorescence response upon alternate UV/Vis light irradiation. After activation by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a green-emitting Poly-SP-Npnanoparticle is generated, thus allowing light-controlled fluorescence response simultaneously, i.e., green and yellow switch upon alternate UV/Vis light irradiation for 10 and 20 s, respectively. Such a “blinking” fluorescence signal change is not possible by only using a photochromic molecule probe (SP-Np-B) with alternate UV/vis light irradiation for over 5 min. Poly-SP-Np-B has large isomerization kinetic constants (kSP–MR = 0.4543 s?1 and kMR–SP = 0.0809 s?1), excellent biocompatibility and lysosome distribution capability, enabling multicolour fluorescence imaging in live cells. With exo-/endogenous H2O2 activation in lysosomes, light-controlled “double-check” fluorescence imaging at the subcellular level is successfully achieved. More specifically, the change in fluorescence imaging is reversible in green, red and yellow channels in live cells upon excitation under alternate UV and visible light. This work thus provides a new strategy to develop switchable photochromic probes for precise fluorescence bioassay and bioimaging.

本期的封面故事主要是从中国传统民间故事和美术形象中获得灵感 , 将寓意丰富的“双龙戏珠”引入到封面中 , 来表现生物医学领域的新研究 。
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