及物动词 vt是什么词性( 三 )

58. equal adj.平等的 vt. 等于 be equal to等同;胜任 equally adv. treat sb equally
equality n. the principle of equality before the law 法律面前人人平等的原则
59. equip vt.提供设备;装备 equipment (UC) n. a piece of equipment
be equipped with Our office is equipped with modern equipment.
60 . escape n/vi 逃跑; 被忘掉 escape from being punished (punishment)
a narrow escape 九死一生 an escaped prison 一名逃跑的犯人
61. Europe n.欧洲 European adj.欧洲的 n.欧洲人 a European 一名欧洲人
62.evident adj.明显的 evidence n.证据,迹象
The police haven’t found out the convincing evidence.
63. exam(examination) n.考试, 测验 —–examine v. 检查, 调查, 考试
With the approach of the college entrance examination, I study harder and harder.
64. excellent adj.卓越的, 极好的 —–excellence n.优秀, 卓越, 优点, 美德
65. exhibit vt. 展览; n.展品 Visitors are requested not to touch exhibits in the museum.
exhibition n.展览,展览会There will be an exhibition on next week in the science museum.
65.exist vi.存在 existence n.生存,存在 come into existence 开始存在
existing adj 现存的,现行的 existing laws现行法律 Does life exist on other planets?
66. expect vt.预料,盼望;认为 expect sb to do I’m expecting your early reply.
Don’t expect too much from your child. 不要对你的孩子期望太高 。
expectation n.期望,预期 live up to your parents’ expectation不辜负父母的期望
have high expectation on sb.对某人有很高的期望
67.expense n.消费,支出 以……为代价 spare no expense to do不惜代价
at his own expense自费. at the expense of sb/sth 在牺牲……情况下,做某事
cut down one’s expense 减少开支 expensive / costly/dear adj.昂贵的
68.explain vt.解释 explanation n. 解释,说明
explain to sb. 向某人解释 He explained to me the reason why he was late again.
69.explode v.使爆炸 explosion n. explosive adj. 爆炸的;易爆炸的
70. expose vt.揭露;使面临(危险)be exposed to 暴露于;接触;遭受
Being exposed to the sunlight for a long time is harmful to your skin. —-exposure n.
71. express v. 表达;表示 I can’t express myself in English.
expression n.表情,表达,词句–facial expression expressive adj. 富于表情的;有表现力的
72.extend vt延长,扩大,扩展 extend the deadline —I’m sure you’ll join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会和我们一起向来访者表示热烈的欢迎 。
73.face n.脸 vt.面对,面向 —facial adj.—–面部的 facial expression 面部表情
Faced with the disaster, we Chinese have showed extraordinary courage and energy.
74. fail v. 失败;不及格;衰退 failure n. He failed the exam/in the exam/failed to pass the exam. Failure is the mother of success. Weight-loss pills caused his liver to failure.

及物动词 vt是什么词性

75. familiar adj. 熟悉的 familiarity n. 熟悉,通晓be familiar to sb sb. be familiar with sth
76. famous /well known/famed adj.著名的 be world famous for…/as…
fame n.名声 rise to fame overnight 一夜成名
【及物动词 vt是什么词性】77.finance 财政,金融 financial adj. the financial worries 经济担忧
