
difficult 新牛津英汉双解大词典 difficult adjective needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand 困难的,费劲的难懂的 she had a difficult decision to make她要做出一个难做的决定the;hard ,diffcult ,bad, blame ,hardly possible;可以是hard difficult difficult 英#712d#618f#618k#601lt美#712d#618f#618#716k#652lt, k#601lt adj困难的难做的难解的不易相处的 例句The technology 。


这本书的试题是按难易程度顺序排列的3The work was attended to with much difficulty这项工作带来了许多困难4Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?对于应付这种困难,你有什么;苦难,指痛苦和灾难如这场洪水使几百无家可归的人陷入苦难那么你知道苦难的 英语单词 是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧苦难英语单词1suffering 苦难英语单词2misery 苦难英语单词3tribulation 苦难的英语例句他;difficult adj困难的, 艰难的, 人难相处的 difficult adj难的, 困难的, 费力的 指人难以满足的 难以共处的 难弄的 令人忧烦或焦虑的 a difficult task 一项艰难的任务 a man difficult to deal with;一difficulty 英 #712d#618f#618k#601lti美 #712d#618f#618#716k#652lti, k#601ln难度困难,麻烦,难事异议,争论,纠葛财政困难,经济拮据 children with;hard 难的,困难的 Most of the poeple lived a hard life before liberation解放前,大多数人过着非常艰苦的生活difficult 难的 It#39s a difficult quetion for me to answer这个问题对我来说回答起来有点儿难 。
就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难So far as English is concerned7He tends to recoil from making difficult decisionsI can#39t solve the problem6他在难以作出决定时往往踌躇不前not good 其它相关解释 。
oracle, heretic, profuse, irreverent, nihilism, coruscating, lyrical, renditionif u need more just ask;难的意思是 difficult或者是hard hard 发音是 我用汉语拼音啊 ha de difficult发音是 di fei kou de 如果是难的发音用英语写出, 那是 发音一样的;So hard!这句偏口语化,书面别用This is so hard书面可用This is quite difficult这个有点难的意思,书面可用This is tough书面可用 。
什么是世界上最长的单词文字,这完全取决于个人的观点,曾经看到过一个统计里说到这样的问题正式最长的一个单词是#39floccinaucinihilipilification#39 29个字母 一说是#39pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis#39 45个 。

【难的英语单词怎么写】problem,difficulty,puzzle,conundrum;the most difficultthe hardestthe most challenging这些都是近意词,大部分情况下都可以用来形容同样的事情 the smartestthe brightestthe most brillant近意词;1 比较级 more difficult, harder 2用修饰语 a bit difficult 。
