
1你怎么样英语How about you?2how about you的读音英ha#650 #601#712ba#650t ju美ha#650 #601#712ba#650t j#6013例句Good,thanks How about you?很好,谢谢你 。
you ?how is it going?较正式打招呼how have you been?美国人常用打招呼的方法you ok?how#39z you ?英国人打招呼的俚语 。
你怎么样 How are you doing?How are you?How about you?And you?How is everything 。
一般英语寒暄“你现在怎么样”主要可以说1,how have you been?2,how are you these days?3,how is everthing going?第一种相对地道,美国人朋友或关系密切的两人打招呼时常用 。
读音英 ha#650 ɑ#720r ju #712du#720#618#331美 ha#650 ɑ#720r j#601 #712du#720#618#331释义你好吗,你过得好吗,你过得如何,最近怎么样用法 。
您好,您可以说How is everything going这里的how就可以来表示怎么样,表示方法以后可以参考一下 。


【你怎么样用英语怎么说】主要是询问健康状况如何,怎样的程度第三个是all right,它一般用在语气的加强,不是疑问句第四个是 how is it going,它的主要表达情况怎么样,过得怎么样第五个是how about,它的意思主要表达你认为怎样 。
怎么样,how句子他怎么样可以用三种表达方式“What is he like?”“What about him?”“What do you think of him?”和“How is he?”,根据不同的语境其表达也不同英语造句跟中文的理解是一样的 。
Why are you drinking milk everyday?这里偶觉得其实用why不能表现关心How could you have been drinking milk everyday?How can you drink milk everyday?这两句除了关心还有责怪,不可思议的意义了厄 。
quot你怎么了quot用英语还可以表达为1What is wrong with you2Is that what you got3What happened to you4What#39s the matter with you在“What#39s wrong with you”中“What#39s wrong”表示怎么 。

wrong with youquot你怎么了quot用英语还可以表达为1What is wrong with you2Is that what you got3What happened to you4What#39s the matter with you在“What#39s wrong with you”中“What#39s w 。
How well is your English?分析中译英要倒着翻译,怎么样就是how well你的英文your English,然后是连接词is,这样就是一个完整的句子 。
试一试,看这鞋的肥瘦怎么样Try on the shoes and see if they are a good fit试试把床和沙发换个个儿,看怎么样Let’s see how it goes when the positions of the bed and sofa are switched我将试用你 。
1n滋味味觉体验风味 This voyage was his first taste of freedom这次航行使他初次体验到了自由的滋味2vt vi尝,品尝 You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet你可以尝出 。
”你认为他怎么样“用英语三种说法What do you think of him?How do you like him?What#39s your opinion of him?重点词汇 think like opinion一think 读音英 θ#618#331k美 θ#618 。
看这个委婉一些的how are you getting on with your english?直接一些的how#39s your english?CAUTIONhow do you learn english? 大错特错给出这个答案的人帮我翻句话你是怎么学英语的how about 。
