大雪节气的寓意和传统( 三 )

立冬,Beginning ofWinter
立冬标志着秋天的结束,在古籍中,秋天收获的各种庄稼到了立冬都已经晒干储存,动物纷纷躲起来,开始冬眠 。立冬也意味着天气越来越冷,所有生物新陈代谢减缓,躲避冬天的严寒 。
Beginning of Winter means that autumn has come to an end. In the ancient books, all kinds of crops harvested in autumn have been dried and stored and animals have already hidden and started to hibernate during the season. At thistime, the weather is getting cold and all the creatures have begun to slowdown their rate of metabolism to keep themselves safe from the coldness in winter.
小雪,Minor Snow
“小雪”意味着中国北部大部分地区有初雪飘落,温度持续走低 。
Minor Snow refers to the time when it starts to snow, mostly in China's northern areas, and the temperature continues to drop.
大雪,Major Snow


大雪时节,降雪量增大,地面开始积雪,温度下降显著 。
During Major Snow, the snow becomes heavy and begins to accumulate on the ground. The temperature drops significantly.
冬至,Winter Solstice
冬至是北半球一年中白昼最短的一天,此时太阳出现在其最南端的位置,直射南回归线 。
The Winter Solstice marks the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, when the sun appears at its most southerly position, directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn.
小寒,Minor Cold
小寒时节,中国大部分地区已进入寒冬 。天寒地冻,河水结冰,北方的冷空气持续向南推进 。
During Minor Cold, most areas in China have entered the bitter cold stage of winter. The ground and rivers are frozen. The cold air from the north moves southward continuously.
大寒,Major Cold
大寒时节,由于寒潮向南移动,天气变得十分严寒 。虽然现代气象观测显示,大寒时期,中国一些地区并不比小寒时寒冷 。但在某些沿海地区,全年最低温度依然出现在大寒期间 。
During Major Cold, as the cold current moves southward, the weather becomes bitterly cold. Although modern meteorological observation shows that in some regions of China the weather during Major Cold is not colder than Minor Cold, the lowest temperatures of the whole year still occur in the Major Cold period in some coastal areas.
立春,Beginning of Spring
立春节后,植物转绿,焕发勃勃生机 。人们可以清楚地注意到白天的时间变得更长,天气也愈发温暖了 。
After that everything turns green and becomes full of vigor. People clearly can notice that daytime becomes longer and the weather gets warmer.
二十四节气是古人们通过观察太阳周年运动总结而成,它们有的反映四季变化,有的是温度变化,也有天气变化 。
早在2016年之时,我国申报的“二十四节气”,已成功列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录 。
中华民族上下五千年文化传承,值得每一场惊艳!中华儿女上亿名精彩纷呈,值得每一次欢呼 。
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