How the food tastes? I#39ll tryThe food tastes good, you can eatHow this wine taste,do you drink it,?This wine tastes good, I had beforeThe food tastes very good well badlyThe cookies taste 。
免费品尝 free taste 例句 这是送给您免费品尝的胡萝卜蛋糕,请慢用Here#39s a free carrot cake for you, please enjoy it 。

英 te#618st美 testn滋味味觉体验风味 vt vi尝,品尝 vt吃喝浅尝 vi尝味略进饮食少量地吃有某种味道 词汇难度高考 CET4 考研 TOEFL 第三人称单数tastes 复数tas 。

午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的scrumptious 美味的绝妙的,极好的 While sipping his sangria , he noticed a scrumptiouslooking platter being served at the next table品尝着 。
【品尝用英语如何说】英 te#618st美 testn滋味味觉体验风味 vt vi尝,品尝 vt吃喝浅尝 vi尝味略进饮食少量地吃有某种味道 词汇难度高考 CET4 考研 TOEFL 第三人称单数 tastes 。
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