
【鱼米之乡用英语怎么说】可以是 An abundant place,也可以是A land of plenty,又或者A land flowing with milk and honey这个短语的选用最好要看你文章的语境前两个个翻译就相对比较直白,第二个翻译就渗透了西方文化语境 。
回答和翻译如下丝绸之府,鱼米之乡,文化之邦Silk,Yumizhixiang,cultural state 。
fish and rice 鱼米之乡是吧 但是不应该这麼翻译 感觉就错了It’s a good place to for summer holidays there the wheather there is very cool and comfortable in summer welcome to my hometown! 应该最开始说 。
这东西不能直译文化地区不同 这种词汇很少能得到共同的就好比 你这格 鱼米之乡 你能说 rice and fish’s home这太胡闹了或者美国洛杉矶 Los angels这个词是西班牙语里的 los 代表复数 很多的意思 很多天使 。
Hangzhou is rich in natural resources,known as the land of plenty,silk of the house,as an earthly paradise 。
Taihu Lake has not only beautiful sceney,but also the reputation of The Land of Fish and Rice 。


我的家乡有神农公园和炎帝广场 There are parks and Shennong Yandi square in my hometown 在假期里有很多人在那玩 During the holidays,there are many people in the play 我家乡是“鱼米之乡”,有很多的鱼和美味 。
如果作为湖的专属名词,译成Lake Tai 也有把普通地名放在后面的译法Lake Taihu lake和地名都大写看到各个地方的翻译都不太统一比如泰山 Mount Tai,应该是专属名词,但有翻译成 Mount Taishan的 各说各有理 。
我的家乡在常熟,素有“鱼米之乡”的美誉常熟虞山尚湖风景区山上剑门景区怪石嶙峋突兀而至山下宝岩景区位于苍山翠谷之中,园内景观绚丽恢宏,建有果树精品园竹园杨梅园等生态园尚湖与虞山山水相依,因姜太公在此 。
Yes,we Chinese have a similar saying For instance,in China,when we describe an affluent place or region,we call it quota land flowing with milk and honeyquot鱼米之乡 Obviously,it does not mean 。
人们称长江的南部为鱼米之乡,主要原因是什么呢?气候温和,雨量充沛,土质肥沃,物产丰富 Because the climate is equable and it rains quite oftenBesides,the soil is fertile and the natural resources are rich 。
Liyang is located west of Yangtze river delta,between the three neighboring provinces,with a total area of 1535 square kilometers Liyang city jurisdiction areas 11 town,jiangsu liyang economic development 。
鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey有情人终成眷属 quotJack shall have Jill,all shall be wellquot 有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go Money talks有识之士 people of vision有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain 。

Changshu is a history is glorious,the fine scenery the place,has “the south of Yangzi River land of plenty” fine reputation Whole city total area 1266 square kilometers,population 1,036,000 Changshu 。
介绍家乡美食作文我的家乡在湖北省监利县容城镇,是一个离长江较近的地方这里有许多水产品和农作物,所以,我的家乡常被称为“鱼米之乡”在我的家乡有许多美食,我最爱吃的是江虾菱角锅块我们这里的江虾可不像海虾一样大 。
