
我还以为就我的机器有这问题 , 今天在客服看见有两个用3.94的都这问题 , 连客服都查不出是个什么毛病 , 原来是软件的问题 。以下的英文是从一个手机论坛copy过来的 。

Do not upgrade you firmware to v3.94, as a previous fixed bug is back in this firmware.

The bug is the power saving time bar that appears after the screen saver, this really does save power however the bar should move from top to middle to bottom of the screen every few seconds, this is to prevent the bar from burning out on the screen.

In v3.94 the bar does not move, as a result it burns out the image on the screen, which is visible on darker backgrounds/images etc. If you do not understand the implications of this, basically it’s damaging the LCD screen!!!

Nokia have announced that once a new firmware is issued any damaged screens through this burnout issue will be replaced under warranty.

I simply went to get a firmware upgrade on my phone as my Bluetooth connection kept timing out with my PC, this firmware fixed that issue however in the process it damaged my screen!

bug的表现在于:使用手机中 , 会发现节电模式中的时间显示会一直出现在任何界面 , 即使关掉节电功能也没用 。举例说就是你打开任何功能 , 都可以模模糊糊看见节电模式时显示的时间、日期和手机锁 , 虽然很浅 , 但仔细看还是可以看见的 。各位用3.94版的朋友可以自己观察一下 。

期盼新版本的诞生吧 。。。
