Pause作为动词时,是指暂停、停顿,pause作为名词时,是指停顿的时间、延长记号、暂停键 。pause的第三人称单数是pauses,pause的复数是pauses,pause的现在分词是pausing,pause的过去式是paused 。

Pause的例句:The woman spoke almost without pausing for breath.那女人说话像放连珠炮似的 。I paused at the door and looked back.我停在门口,回头看了看 。

She paused the video and went to answer the phone.她停下录像机去接电话 。There was a long pause before she answered.她停了好一会儿才回答 。

【pause是什么意思pause是指什么意思】David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question.戴维等着谈话停下来,好问个问题 。After a brief pause,they continued climbing.他们略停了一下就继续爬山 。
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