连载九 怎么给猪配种,配种管理指南( 三 )

7. 把发情母猪转移到配种舍,从而妊娠舍里可以保持安静 。
Move sows in heat to the mating unit, so there will be peace in the gestation unit.
除了日常发情鉴定,在发情鉴定和妊娠鉴定上还有3个关键点,且每一个都体现在日常工作中 。
In addition to daily heat control, there are three elements in the control of oestrus and pregnancy. Everyone should be a part of the routines.
用公猪诱情可以较早的发现发情母猪 。(参见18 –扫描技术)
Control with the boar may reveal sows in early oestrus. (See 18 – Scanning technique )
妊娠鉴定(扫描)可在第24天进行,可疑母猪可在一个星期内再次扫描 。
Pregnancy control (scanning) can be performed from day 24 and doubtable sows are scanned again within a week.
在分娩前约3周时接种疫苗,可以通过目测来评估母猪是否怀孕 。
At vaccination approx. 3 weeks before farrowing, it is assessed visually if the sows are pregnant.
Riding test
Sow with swollen labia next to a sow with normal labia 。
Inadequate Or No Oestrus- And Pregnancy Control Leads To
1. 返情母猪和空怀母猪没有被鉴别出来 。这会导致群体数量持续波动 。
Returners and empty sows are not being identified. They create turbulence in the group with slipping and returning to come.
2. 母猪年产胎次和年断奶仔猪数减少 。空怀母猪导致非生产天数增加 。
Fewer litters and thus fewer weaners per sow per year.
3. 每一非生产天数的成本为20丹麦克朗 。
Empty sows give non-productive days. One non-productive day costs 20 Danish krones.
17.3补充说明: 妊娠鉴定
Additional Comments: Pregnancy Test
通过每天的发情鉴定可以及时的发现返情母猪 。30-50%的返情母猪在配种后的3周内被发现,其余的(50-70%)在其它时间被发现 。因此,每天的发情鉴定很重要 。
By implementing a daily heat check you detect RETURNERS in time. 30-50 % of the returners are detected 3 weeks after their mating day, the rest (50-70 %) are found in the interim period. Therefore, heat check is necessary every day.
Oestrus signs are:
1. 母猪让其它母猪或公猪爬跨 。
The sow let other sows and the boar mount her.
2. 母猪跟着工作人员走 。
The sow follows the manager around the pen.
3. 母猪异常活跃 。
The sow is hyperactive.
4. 母猪寻找公猪 。
The sow seeks the boar.
5. 母猪出现在电子母猪饲喂器未吃料的清单上 。
The sow may act on the remnant list of ESF.
6. 母猪的阴唇肿胀 。
The sow has swollen labia.
7. 母猪发出“低吟”声 。
The sow “buzz”
公猪可以帮助发现发情母猪,但是公猪不能发现所有的发情母猪 。
The boar can be a help to find the oestrus sows, but the boar doesn’t discover all the oestrus sows.
1. 公猪和母猪有“一见钟情”的现象 。
Both the sow and boar have preferences (“love at first sight”).
2. 年轻的和等级低的母猪发情症状不明显 。
Young and low ranking sows do not dare to show oestrus.
公猪可以作为发现空怀母猪的快速工具,但具有不确定性 。
The boar should be regarded as a tool to find empty sows quickly. The boar is not a certainty.
许多空怀母猪不是周期性的,因此,不能通过查情来发现,只能通过扫描来发现 。
Many empty sows are not in cycle. Therefore, one cannot find them by heat check. They can only be found by scanning.
扫描不一定要在配种第24天后进行,但如果扫描的太早,结果具有不确定性,因为此时较难在屏幕上观察到胚胎 。如果扫描确认母猪空怀,要立刻将其转入配种舍 。
