
我以前写过一篇“利用Phoenix选择6233的功能”让大家发掘 Phoenix的功能 , 现在看到”让6233摆脱证书的束缚”后 , 又勾起了我尘封的兴趣 。又把Prouct Profile 的选项看了看 , 现抛砖引玉列出几项选项 , 因我英文不好 , 望大家继续发掘:
34 "Bluetooth support" 蓝牙
49 "PoC Supported" 打开一键通
57 "FM Radio Support" 收音机
67 "Java TCK support" java证书
91 "EDGE Support" 支持EDGE网络
128 "Phonebook first and last name order" 电话本排序
129 "Use PTT key for Audio msg" 用ptt键录音
137 "Music player support" 音乐播放器
149 "CMCC Service Menu as a main menu item" 中国移动菜单
175 "Toggle profile with #-key" #号键功能
227 "CMCC Music Player" 中国移动音乐菜单

具体写机(因时间很快 , 5秒以内 , 故我称之“写机”)过程见“让6233摆脱证书的束缚” 。需重新启6233才能看见变化 。
选择项目 用途 取值范围
1 "Alternate Line Service (ALS)"是否;
3 "Ciphering algorithm A52"是否;
4 "CSP support"是否;
7 "Trad Chinese input method"选择0 "BoPoMoFo"1 "Stroke" ;
10 "Parallel product" STATIC范围 0 255;
12 "US Number Grouping"是否;
13 "SIM status note control"是否;
15 "2digit dialling"是否;
19 "Hide dial up number during data call"选择0 "Show number" 1 "Hide number"
20 "Services enabled in Gallery/Applications/Games menu"是否;
21 "Games WAP score send"是否;
22 "JAVA games in Games menu"是否;
23 "Automatic redial"选择0 "Normal"1 "Continuous";
24 "Use active setting name as home"是否;
25 "Comfirm SIM service actions"是否;
26 "EONS feature" STATIC范围 0 3;
28 "3G network indicator display"是否;
29 "Number Grouping Separator"选择 0 "space" 45 "-" ;
32 "WIMUI hash check"是否;
33 "WVIM Support"是否;
34 "Bluetooth support" 蓝牙 是否;
36 "NC2 enabled"是否;
37 "Confirm QALS line change"是否;
38 "Links in Services menu"选择0 "none"1 "bookmarks"3 "bookmarks & download";
39 "Roaming"选择1 "Off"2 "Normal" 3 "Fixed";
40 "Calling Card"是否;
46 "Native IM in Main Menu"是否;
47 "Flash Messages Menu"是否;
48 "Cell Info Display Enabled"是否;
49 "PoC Supported" 打开一键通 是否;
50 "Centralized Font Setting Spare"是否;
51 "Disable Native IM Feature"是否;
53 "Supported RATs"选择1 "GSM"2 "WCDMA"3 "GSM & WCDMA"4 "US-TDMA"8 "CDMA";
54 "Java Email Feature"是否;
55 "Default SMS Text Input Alphabet"选择 1 "Automatic"2 "Ascii"3 "Hidden" ;
56 "MMS Retrieval Mode"选择1 "Retrieve(automatic)"2 "Manual retrieval(ask/confirm)" 3 "Hidden(Manual retrieval is hidden)";
57 "FM Radio Support" 收音机 是否;
58 "Native IM Whisper Feature"是否;
59 "Middle Soft Key functionality"选择 0 "Delete"1 "Send"2 "New" ;
61 "Receive non-bootstrap provisioning documents"是否;
62 "Nokia.com link in Services menu"是否;
65 "GPRS automatic attach"是否;
66 "Pre-Installed Operator Logo not removed during restore factory settings"是否;
67 "Java TCK support" java证书 选择1 "Java TCK - Off"2 "Java TCK - On(JSR75 R&W)"3 "Java TCK - On(JSR75 RO)"4 "Java TCK - On(JSR75 WO)" ;
68"Hide Nokia WUG"是否;
69 "Enable TTY (UI)"是否;
70 "3GPP Streaming support disabled"是否;
71 "Preinstalled Bookmarks and Operator Link go into GoTo menu"是否;
72 "Show user data for MWI with DCSDISCARD"是否;
74 "Java WVIM not in main Menu"是否;
75 "AutoSMS"是否;
76 "Camera sound settings"是否;
77 "USB charging mode"是否;
78 "Native IM Public Group Disable"是否;
79 "Native IM Group Search Disable"是否;
80 "Enhanced network selection"是否;
81 "MP3 disabled as ring tunes"是否;
82 "PoC in Contact Menu"是否;
83 "PoC in Main Menu"是否;
84 "Display non ciphering indicator"是否;
85 "Alarm Radio Support"是否;
86 "Read Preferred startup RAT"是否;
