
7290刷机后,黑莓发的几个操作小提示,翻译下供参考,比较实用的 。翻译不当之处,欢迎批评指正 。
1.To turn on on the backlighting ,press the power button.(按电源键可以打开背景灯)
2.To switchto another program.hold the Alt key and press theEscape button.Continuetohold the Alt key and select a program.Release the Alt key to switch to that program.(按住Alt键和退出键,出现后台运行的程序,继续按住Alt键,用滚轮选择程序,然后松开Alt键,可以转换到该个程序)
3.To exit a screen or dialog box,press the escapebutton.(按推出键可以推出当前屏幕或对话框 。)
4.To insert a period ,press the Space key twice.the next letter is capitalized.(按空格键两次,插入句号,下一个字母为大写 。)
5.To insert the at sign(@)and periods in mail field,press the Space key.(在邮件界面下,按空格键可以插入@符号和句号 。)
6.To type an accent or special character,hold the letter key and roll the trackwheel.(按住字母键,拨动滚轮,可以输入一个音调和特殊字符 。)
7.To capitalize a letter ,hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears(输入大写字母,可以通过常按字母键直到大写字母出现)
8.To turn on Cap lock,press the Alt key the right shift key.To turn off Cap lock ,press the Right Shift key.(按Alt 右shift键可以打开Cap锁定,直接按右shift键,可以关闭Cap键)
9.To reply toa message,press R.To forward a message,press F.To reply to all,Press L.(按R,回复信息;前一个用F,回复所有用L)
10.To view sent messages,in the message list,press the Alt key O.To view receivedmessages,press the Alt key I.To view sms messages,press the Alt key S.To view phone call logs,press the Alt key P.To view voice mail message,press the Alt key V.(在短信列表下,按Alt O查看发送的信息,按Alt I查看收到的信息,按Alt S查看短信,按Alt P查看通话记录,按Alt V查看语音邮件 。)
11.To move to messages from the previous day,in the message list,press P.To move to message from the next day,Press N.(在短信列表状态下,按p键可以转到当前短信的前一天短信列表,按N转到后一天的短信列表 。)
12.to move the cursorin different direction,hold the Alt key and roll the trackwheel.(按住Alt键拨动滚轮可以在不同的方向移动指针(光标))
13.To change an option field,hold the Alt key.click a value.(在设定菜单里,按住alt菜单会出现可选值,选定即可)
14.tomove to an item in a list or menu,press the first letter of the item.(在列表或菜单中,按项目的第一个字母可以移动到该菜单 。)
15.To select a check box,press the space key .To clear the check box,press the space key again.(按空格键可以选定一个收件箱,再按一次空格键,清空该收件箱)
16.to type numbers in a number field ,press a number key.You do not need to press the Alt key.(在输入数字的区域,直接按数字键就可以输入数字,不需要按住alt键)
17.To select a line of text,press the shift key and roll the trackwheel.(按住shift键,拨动滚轮可以成行的选定文本)
18.To cut selected text,press the shift keythe backspace key.To copy selected text,pressthe Alt key and click the trackwheel .To paste selected text,press the shift key and click the trackwheel.(按住shift键 del键可以剪切文本;按Alt键单击滚轮可以复制文本;按住shift键单击滚轮可以粘贴文本)
19.To move to top ofscreen,press T.To move to the button of a screen,pressB.(按T,可以移动到屏幕顶部;按B,可以移动到屏幕底部)
20.To move down a screen,press the space key.To move up a screen,press the shift keythe space key.(按空格键可以移动到当前屏幕的顶部,按shift 空格键可以移动到当前屏幕的底部)
注1:14当然指的是英文主题和英文项目,我个人用的是英文主题,中文输入,很方便的 。
