helloTime: 2 bridgeHelloTime: 2
forwardDelay: 15 bridgeFwdDelay: 15
holdTime: 1 rootCost: 0
rootPort: No Port priority: 0x7000
2.连接冗余链路,调整备份主交换机上级联端口费用,使之处于转发状态 。
Login: admin //用admin用户登录备份主交换机
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m---------------
bridge - Administer bridging/VLANS
ethernet - Administer Ethernet ports
feature - Administer system features
ip - Administer IP
logout - Logout of the Command Line Interface
snmp - Administer SNMP
system - Administer system-level functions
Type ? for help.
----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m---------------------
Select menu option: bri //选择bridge菜单
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m---------------
agingTime - Set the bridge address aging time
display - Display bridge information
multicastFiltering - Administer multicast filtering
port - Administer bridge ports
stpForwardDelay - Set the bridge Spanning Tree forward delay
stpHelloTime - Set the bridge Spanning Tree hello timer
stpMaxAge - Set the bridge Spanning Tree maximum age
stpPriority - Set the Spanning Tree bridge Priority
stpState - Enable/Disable Spanning Tree on a bridge
vlan - Administer VLANs
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help.
----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m---------------------
Select menu option (bridge): port //选择port菜单
Menu options: --------------[1m3Com SuperStack 3 Switch 3300[0m---------------
address - Administer bridge addresses
detail - Display detail information
stpCost - Set the Spanning Tree path cost
stpFastStart - Enable/Disable Fast Start per port
summary - Display summary information
vltMode - Enable/Disable VLT tagging on a port
Type "q" to return to the previous menu or ? for help.
----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m---------------------
Select menu option (bridge/port): summ //选择summary菜单
Select bridge port (1-24,all) [all]: all //查看所有端口STP状态
Port stpState fwdTransitions stpCost
1 Disabled 1 18
2 Disabled 0 19
3 Disabled 0 19
4 Disabled 0 19
5 Disabled 0 19
6 Disabled 0 19
7 Disabled 0 19
8 Disabled 0 19
9 Disabled 0 19
10 Disabled 0 19
11 Disabled 0 19
12 Disabled 0 19
13 Disabled 0 19
14 Disabled 0 19
15 Disabled 0 19
16 Disabled 0 19
17 Disabled 0 19
18 Disabled 0 19
19 Disabled 0 19
20 Forwarding 1 18
21 Blocking 0 18
Enterfor more or "q" to quit--:
22 Blocking 0 18
23 Blocking 0 18
24 Blocking 0 18
此时端口是这样连接的,主交换机20-23口依次连接下面4台华为2026B的第23口,备份主交换机20-23口依次连接下面4台华为2026B的第24口,主交换机和备份主交换机之间都在第24口用一根反线级联 。可以看到第20口处于转发状态,大致因为STP优先级都为ox7000,且端口费用都为18(百兆全双工),因此选取MAC地址最低的端口处于转发状态 。将备份主交换机第20端口断开,可以看到第21端口处于转发状态了,如下所示 。
----------------------------------[1msecondary3300 (1)[0m---------------------
Select menu option (bridge/port): summ
Select bridge port (1-24,all) [all]: all
Port stpState fwdTransitions stpCost
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