Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213
John Heafner RAND
The RAND Corporation (213) 393-0411
1700 Main Street
Santa Monica, Calif. 90406
Robert Kahn BB&N
Bolt, Beranek and Newman (617) 491-1850
50 Moulton Street
Cambridge, Mass. 02138
Thomas O"Sullivan Raytheon
Equipment Division Headquarters (617) 899-8400
Raytheon Company
40 Second Avenue
Waltham, Mass 02154
Larry Roberts ARPA
ODS/ARPA (202) OX7-8663
3D167 PentagonOX7-8654
Washington, D.C. 20301
Paul D. Rovner LL
Mass. Institute of Technology (617) 562-5500 X7211
Lincoln Laboratory B-115
P.O. Box 73
Lexington, Mass. 02173
Robert Sproull Stanford
Artificial Intelligence Project (415) 32l-2300 X4971
Stanford University
Stanford, Calif. 94305
Ron Stoughton UCSB
Computer Research Lab. (805) 961-3221
Santa Barbara, Calif. 94025
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