The Domain Name System (DNS) is the method by which Internet addresses in mnemonic form sUCh as are converted into the equivalent numeric IP address such as To the user and application process this translation is a service provided either by the local host or from a remote host via the Internet. The DNS server (or resolver) may communicate with other Internet DNS servers if it cannot translate the address itself. These notes will discuss The form of mnemonic addresses understood by DNS The hierarchichal structure of DNS servers and their databases How DNS servers communicate with each other The user and program interfaces to DNS DNS name structureDNS names are constructed hierarchichally. The highest level of the hierarchy being the last component or label of the DNS address. Labels can be up to 63 characters long and are case insensitive. A maximum length of 255 characters is allowed. Labels must start with a letter and can only consist of letters, digits and hyphens. [Unfortunately some administrators construct names that start with digits. This is wrong and can easily cause problems with software that simply inspects the first character of a host address to determine whether a DNS name or an IP address has been quoted.] Note In the early days of the Internet users in at least one country (the United Kingdom) adopted a similar scheme with the highest hierarchical level appearing first rather than last. I.e. rather than This practice is, fortunately, obsolete. DNS addresses can be relative or fully qualified. A fully qualified address includes all the labels and is globally unique. A relative address can be converted by appending the local domain information. For example is a fully qualified name for the host sunc in the domain Strictly there should be a stop at the end of a fully qualified name but this is often overlooked. The final most significant label of a fully qualified name can fall into one of three classes arpa This is a special facility used for reverse translation, i.e. going from IP address to fully qualified domain address. If everything is properly configured a suitably framed query for will return Details of this will be described later.
3 letter codes The DNS was orginally introduced in the United States of America and the final component of an address was intended to indicate the type of organisation hosting the computer. Some of the three letter final labels (edu, gov, mil) are still only used by organisations based in the USA, others can be used anywhere in the world.
The three letter codes are code meaning com Commercial. Now international. edu Educational. gov Government. int International Organisiation. mil Military. net Network related. org Miscellaneous Organisation. Two letter codes The final two letter codes indicate the country of origin and are defined in ISO 3166 with the minor exception that uk is used for the United Kingdom rather than gb although there are some .gb sites. [This apparently happened because the ISO committee was unaware that Northern Ireland was part of the United Kingdom but not part of Great Britain.] The two letter code us is used by some sites in the United States of America.
In some countries there are sub-domains indicating the type of organisation such as,, in the United Kingdom and and in Australia. Most European countries have not adopted this useful practice. A fuller discussion of the United Kingdom DNS domains is provided by the UK Network Information Centre. To oBTain a domain address it is necessary to identify the administrator of the required domain and then all that is basically necessary is to send the administrator the required code and the associated IP address and they will, if they accept the request, include the details in their databases. Conditions for acceptance vary widely between administrators, the administrators for the com and org being, apparently, quite happy to accept anything from anywhere.
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