Switch(config)# boot system flash:new_image
9,返回 privileged EXEC mode:
switch(config)# end
switch# delete flash:html/*
11,假如从11.2(8)SA5 或更早的版本升级, 还要删除SNMP目录及下面的文件
switch# delete flash:html/Snmp/*
注重 "S"在 "SNMP"里是大写 。
12,假如从11.2(8)SA5 或更早的版本升级,要在删除后建立SNMP目录
switch# mkdir flash:html/Snmp
Switch#tar /x tftp://server_ip_address//path/filename.tar flash:
Loading /path/filename.tar from server_ip_address (via VLAN1):!)
extracting info (111 bytes)
extracting filename.bin (1557286 bytes)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
html/ (directory)
extracting html/Detective.html.gz (1139 bytes)!
extracting html/ieGraph.html.gz (553 bytes)
extracting html/DrawGraph.html.gz (787 bytes)!
. . .(output Suppressed)
[OK . 2723840 bytes]
(This message means that the TFTP process has passed sUCcessfully and both .bin and html files have been extracted successfully)
switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# IP http server
16,返回 privileged EXEC 模式:
switch(config)# end
17,Reload 交换机
switch# reload
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]:y
Proceed with reload? [confirm]
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