附英译版 昆明外籍人员接种新冠疫苗后需要注意什么

【附英译版 昆明外籍人员接种新冠疫苗后需要注意什么】

附英译版 昆明外籍人员接种新冠疫苗后需要注意什么

1、接种完成后需在接种点留观区观察 30 分钟,如无不适症状方可离开接种点;接种后如出现持续发热或其他症状,应及时就医并向接种医院报告 。
What care should I take after the vaccine shots?
After receiving the vaccine shot, you need to stay in the observation area for 30 minutes at the site of vaccination and may only leave when there is no discomforts. If you have persistent fever or other symptoms after vaccination, please seek for medical attention and report to the designated hospital immediately.
2、接种完成后,可向接种点工作人员索取接种凭证 。
How do I get the vaccination certificate?
After the vaccination is completed, you may request the vaccination certificate from the staff of the designated hospital.
