
1 - Rename or remove :

2 - Remove the Screen Style Manager window:
remove : /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C/Desktop_Controls/SetDtScreen

3 - Remove the Lock icon from the toolbar:
Edit file: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dtwm.fp
Add: DELETE True to the CONTROL Lock definition

Edit file: /usr/dt/appconfig/types/C/dt.dt
Comment the definition: ACTION LockDisplay

4 - Disable automatic lock:
Edit file: /usr/openwin/lib/speckeysd.map
Add -x option to sys-suspend

5 - Remove the "Lock Display" from the Workspace Menu:
Edit file: /usr/dt/config/C/sys.dtwmrc
Comment line: "Lock Display" f.action LockDisplay

You need to restart dtlogin, like this:
/etc/init.d/dtlogin stop
/etc/init.d/dtlogin start
修改文件之前做好备份,这种方法应该可以,我试过琐屏功能失效 。仅供参考 。
