Step by Step Oracle RAC on Veritas DBE/AC( 二 )

以下黑体字部分是安装时需要输入的信息,采用C语言的注释方法进行中文说明 。

# cd /cdrom/database_ac_for_oracle9i
# ./installDBAC
/* 运行DBAC的安装脚本 */

Enter the names of the systems on which VCS is to be installed
separated by spaces (example: system1 system2): rac1 rac2
/* 以上是输入集群的所有主机名,主机名之间用空格分开 */

Analyzing . . .

You do not have a Database Edition for Advanced Cluster license installed on rac1.
Do you want to add a license key for this product on rac1 ?[Y/N](Y) y
Enter your license key : XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX
Registering license for rac1.
You do not have a Database Edition for Advanced Cluster license installed on rac2.
Do you want to add a license key for this product on rac2 ?[Y/N](Y) y
Enter your license key : XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX
Registering license for rac2.
/* 以上是输入Veritas for Oracle RAC的license */

You can skip VERITAS Cluster server installation, if you need to
install only VERITAS Volume manager and VERITAS Filesystem
Would you like to continue VCS installation. [Y/N](Y)? Y
Starting VCS installation.
/* 以上是提示继续安装Veritas for Oracle RAC 软件包 */

Checking for ssh on rac1 ............................ not found
Verifying communication with rac2 ............. ping successful
Attempting rsh with rac2 ....................... rsh successful
Checking OS version on rac1. ........................ SunOS 5.8
Creating /tmp subDirectory on rac1... /tmp subdirectory created
Checking OS version on rac2 ......................... SunOS 5.8
Using /usr/bin/rsh and /usr/bin/rcp to communicate with rac1
Communication check completed successfully

VCS licensing verification:
Checking rac1 .............found DBED/AC Node Locked key
Do you want to enter a new key for rac1 (N) n
Using the existing DBED/AC Node Locked key located on rac2.
Checking rac2 .............found DBED/AC Node Locked key
Using the existing DBED/AC Node Locked key located on rac2.
DBED/AC licensing completed successfully
/* 以上部分进行License的校验 */

Are you ready to start the Cluster installation now? (Y) Y
/* 以上询问是否开始安装VeritasforOracle RAC集群软件 */

To configure VCS the following is required:
A unique Cluster name
A unique Cluster ID number between 0-255
Two NIC cards on each system used for private network
heartbeat links
Are you ready to configure DBED/AC on these systems? (Y) Y
/* 以上询问是否开始配置VeritasforOracle RAC集群软件 */

Enter the unique Cluster Name: testrac
Enter the unique Cluster ID number between 0-255: 10
/* 集群的名字是testrac,集群的ID是10 */

Discovering NICs on galaxy: ..... discovered eri0 ge0 ce0
Enter the NIC for the first private network heartbeat link on Rac1: (eri0 ge0 ce0) ge0
Enter the NIC for the second private network heartbeat link on Rac1: (hme0 qfe1 qfe2 qfe3) eri0
Are you using the same NICs for private heartbeat links on all systems? (Y) Y
/* 以上配置集群的心跳网络,ge0是主心跳网络,eri0是次心跳网络,集群中的所有节点的心跳网络配置参数都是相同的 */

Cluster information verification:
Cluster Name: testrac
Cluster ID Number: 10
Private Network Heartbeat Links for rac1: link1=ge0 link2=eri0
Private Network Heartbeat Links for rac2: link1=ge0 link2=eri0
Is this information correct? (Y) Y
/* 以上对配置的集群心跳网络进行确认 */

The following information is required to configure the Cluster
