#sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
# Delivery method. Can be 'internal' - Minimalist will send message by
# itself and 'alias' - Minimalist will send message to specified address,
# which can points to bulkmailer, etc.
# Note, that using 'alias' automatically sets value of 'errors to' to
# 'sender'.
# Default to 'internal'. Syntax is:
#delivery = internal
#delivery = alias e-mail
# The domain name - default to `hostname --fqdn`. If begins with '|' then
# Minimalist calls external program to determine hostname.
#domain = |uname -n
# 邮件列表的域名
domain = lists.cnfug.org
# Security level:
# . none - allow any person write to any mailing list
# . careful - only subscribers can write to list
# . paranoid - user must authenticate subscribe/unsubscribe requests
# Default to 'careful'
# 设置列表的安全级别,paranoid表示用户在订阅和退订里必须进行身验证
# 建议使用此安全级别,默认的级别为careful
security = paranoid
# Archiving strategy:
# . no - don't archive articles
# . daily - create new directory for articles every day
# . monthly - create new directory for articles every month
# . yearly - create new directory for articles every year
# or
# archive = pipe /path/to/archiver [options]
# for instance
# archive = pipe /usr/local/bin/hypermail -m www-talk -d /archives/www-talk
# Default to 'no'
# 开启列表邮件按月存档,默认为不存档
archive = monthly
# Maximum size of message (in bytes), which will be archived
# Default - zero (no limits)
#archive size = 1000000
# List's status. Available values are:
# . open - list without any restrictions
# . ro - read-only access to list
# . closed - only trusted users can subscribe anyone to this list.
# . mandatory - subscribed users can't unsubscribe
# Values may be used together, for example: closed,ro,mandatory
# Default to 'open'
#status = closed,ro,mandatory
# Copy to sender - indicates send or no message to message's sender
# Default to yes
#copy to sender = no
# This variable defines Reply-To: contents of outgoing message. Available
# choices: 'no', 'yes' or e-mail. If used 'no' (default), Minimalist doesn't
# touch this header at all. If used 'yes', Minimalist sets Reply-To: header
# to list's address instead of original contents.
# The third choice is available ONLY in per-list config - if used any other
# value, Reply-To: will be set to this value. BE CAREFUL and use correct
# RFC-822 compliant E-mail here.
# Please check the following URL on why you (most often) should not use
# this feature: http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.HTML (Thanks to
# Jonas Bofjall for pointing to this topic)
# Default to 'no'
# 开启回复到邮件列表的功能,默认关闭
reply-to list = yes
# Set From: to specified value (RFC-822 compliant E-mail address) in
# outgoing message.
# Default - don't touch From:
#from = doka@kiev.sovam.com
# Modify subject before sending message to subscribers.
# Available values:
# no : don't touch subject
# yes : add "[list_name] " before original subject
# more : remove leading "Re: " if it's there and then add "[list_name] "
# Default to yes
#modify subject = no
# Maximal count of subscribers per list, zero means no limits.
# Default to zero
#maxusers = 100
# Count of recipients per message. If not zero, Minimalist will generate
# few messages with maxrcpts recipients instead of one message to all
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