
1 2 3 4 5 下一页
# cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server
# make
WITH_CHARSET=big5 //支援繁體中文(簡體中文是gbk)及以繁體中文為預設編碼
WITH_XCHARSET=all //支援其它的編碼
WITH_OPENSSL=yes //使用安全連接
DB_DIR=/usr/local/mysql //指定數據庫的位置
WITH_LinuxTHREADS=yes //使用linux的線程
SKIP_DNS_CHECK=yes //安裝mysql時略過檢查主機名對應ip
BUILD_OPTIMIZED=yes //編釋參數提高效能, 加快速度
install clean更加快的編釋要加BUILD_STATIC=yes 但不能同時使用openssl, 同時編釋會出現以下錯誤信息
You can't use the BUILD_STATIC option when using OpenSSL.
對於各個選項, 詳細請看/usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server裏的Makefile
For more information, and contact details about the security
status of this software, see the following webpage:
===> Cleaning for mysql-clIEnt-4.1.1
===> Cleaning for p5-DBD-mysql41-2.9003
===> Cleaning for p5-DBI-137-1.37
===> Cleaning for libtool-1.3.5_1
===> Cleaning for linuxthreads-2.2.3_13
===> Cleaning for openssl-0.9.7c
===> Cleaning for mysql-server-4.1.1
至此 mysql-server 和 mysql-client 已經安裝完成
1.2 設置mysql
在 /usr/local/share/mysql 在這個目錄裏共有四個 .cnf的範例檔案, (my-small.cnf, my-medium.cnf, my-large.cnf, my-huge.cnf), 根據系統記憶體(內存)的數量和服務而設定my.cnf. 在每個範例檔案裏都有說明.
my-small.cnf //記憶體少於或等於64M只提供很少的數據庫服務 (< =64M)
my-medium.cnf //記憶體在32M到64M之間而且和其他服務一起使用如web
my-large.cnf //記憶體有512M主要是提供數據庫服務
my-huge.cnf //記憶體有1G到2G主要是提供數據庫服務
# dmesg | grep real
real memory = 132825088 (129712K bytes)
本機只有128M 記憶體及只是供web使用, 所是用my-medium.cnf 這個範例檔
# cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf
# ls -l /usr/local
drwx------ 4 mysql mysql 512 Feb 21 20:57 mysql
mysql已經是屬於mysql 的用戶和群組.
1.3 啓動mysql
#/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh start
# ps -aux | grep mysql
mysql 53989 0.0 13.3 66404 16868 p0 IN 10:17PM 0:00.62 /usr/local/libexec/mysql
mysql 53990 0.0 13.3 66404 16868 p0 SN 10:17PM 0:00.00 /usr/local/libexec/mysql
mysql 53991 0.0 13.3 66404 16868 p0 IN 10:17PM 0:00.00 /usr/local/libexec/mysql
1.4 更改mysql 密碼
#/usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p passWord 'mysql_password'
Enter password: //按enter, mysql預設沒有密碼
二. 安裝及設置apache13-modssl
2.1 安装Apache-modssl
#cd /usr/ports/www/apache13-modssl/
# make
. . .
<=== src
===> Creating Dummy Certificate for Server (SnakeOil)
[use 'make certificate' to create a real one]
#make install
# make certificate //製作CA認證
===> Creating Test Certificate for Server
SSL Certificate Generation Utility (mkcert.sh)
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Ralf S. Engelschall, All Rights Reserved.
Generating test certificate signed by Snake Oil CA [TEST]
WARNING: Do not use this for real-life/production systems
STEP 0: Decide the signature algorithm used for certificate
The generated X.509 CA certificate can contain either
RSA or DSA based ingredients. Select the one you want to use.
Signature Algorithm ((R)SA or (D)SA) [R]: <--按enter用RSA
STEP 1: Generating RSA private key (1024 bit) [server.key]
2553406 semi-random bytes loaded
