对已安装的旧版SCO Unix的大硬盘的充分利用( 二 )

2.Scan Disk(只读方式和破坏性方式)
3.Add EntrIEs to Current Bad Track Table by Cylinder/Head Number(以柱面/头方式向当前坏道表中添加项)
4.Add Entries to Current Bad Track Table by Sector Number(以扇区号方式向当前坏道表中添加项)
5.Delete Entries Individually from Current Bad Track Table(删除当前坏道表中的单个项)
6.Delete All Entries from Current Bad Track Table(删除当前坏道表中的所有项)Enter your choice or q to quit:2
1.Scan entire UNIX partition(扫描整个UNIX分区)
2.Scan a specified range of tracks(扫描指定的磁道范围)
3.Scan a specified filesystem(扫描指定的文件系统)Enter your choice or q to quit:1
1.Quick scan(快速扫描,大约7M字节/每分钟)
2.Thorough scan(全部彻底扫描,大约1M字节/每分钟)
Enter your choice or q to quit:1
Do you want this to be a destructive scan?(y/n) y
This will destroy the present contents of the region you are scanning(这将破坏你正要扫描的硬盘区域的内容) 。
Do you wish to continue? (y/n) y
Scanning in progress,type q to interrupt at any timeEnter your choice or q to quit:q扫描结束后,敲入q退出badtrk命令 。
(七)执行/etc/divvy命令对建立的分区进行分片(以对硬盘的第二Unix分区进行分片为例)divvy命令的-m选项用于创建可安装的分片 。执行命令:
# divvy -m /dev/rhd02显示:
There are 1889495 blocks in the UNIX area(显示在该Unix分区中有1889495块) 。Please enter the number of file systems you want this areato be dividedinto,or pressto get the default of 1 file system(s)
The layout of the filesystems and swap area is now prepared 。
Do you wish to make any manual adjustments to the sizes or
names of the filesystems or swap area before they are created
on the hard disk?(y/n) y(敲入y对文件系统或交换区的名字或大小进行手工调整,手工调整后还需要安装分片)
Name(名字) Type(类型) New FS(新文件系统?) # First Block Last Block
home EAFS Yes 0 0 1889494
NOT USED no 1 - -
NOT USED no 2 - -
NOT USED no 3 - -
NOT USED no 4 - -
NOT USED no 5 - -
NOT USED no 6 - -
d1027all EHOLE DISK no 7 0 1889999【对已安装的旧版SCO Unix的大硬盘的充分利用】1889495 1K blocks for divisions,504 1k blocks reserved for the system
注意:如果不在划分的分片上创建文件系统,则divvy创建的分片的设备文件可直接被数据库系统所用 。
执行# mkdev fs
Filesystem Initialization Program(文件系统初始化程序)
This program performs maintenance tasks required to add or delete an existing filesystem(这个程序执行对现有的文件系统的增加和删除的维护任务) 。Would you like to(你可以进行):
1.Add a new filesystem to system 。(给系统增加一个新的文件系统)
2.Remove a filesystem 。(删除一个文件系统)
Select an option or enter q to quit:1(选择1进行添加)
Enter a device name and press or q to quit(可在此输入用divvy创建的要安装的文件系统的设备文件名):/dev/home
Enter a Directory name and press or q to quit(在此输入安装点目录):/home
Reserving slots in lost+found directory…(在lost+found目录中预留空间)
When entering multiuser mode(在进入多用户方式时是否安装文件系统):
1.Always mount /dev/home(总是安装/dev/home)
2.Never mount /dev/home(从不安装/dev/home)
