全面覆盖:Vista中运行软件的兼容性测试( 八 )

点评:Foobar2000也有问题 , 当你打开音乐文件时会报错 。还好经典的Winamp没有名列其中 。
* AIM v5.9 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Install hangs on imghlp.dll!]
* AIM v5.9.3861 (32 Bit on 64 Bit OS) [NOTE: Install hangs on imghlp.dll!]
* AIM Triton v2.2.71.1 (32 Bit on 64 bit OS) [NOTE: Installer detects an unsupported Windows version and silently fails when run in "Windows XP" compatibility mode!]
* Klient v2.1.4 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Installs fine, but crashes immediately when attempting to run!]
点评:AIM在安装时 , 一个叫imghlp.dll的文件令安装程序停止了 。
* Adobe Reader v7.0 Full & v7.0.1 Update (32 Bit) [NOTE: Fails during installation and only partially installs.]
* Novell Groupwise v7.0 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Install errors and error on launch!]
* OutLook 2003 SP2 (32 Bit) 点评:Adobe Reader v7.0及其升级版本在安装时遭到了失败 , 而微软自己的产品Outlook 2003 Sp2在首次使用时也遇到了不少问题
* Checkpoint SecuRemote (32 Bit) [NOTE: I"ve tried all versions, but setup thinks it"s trying to install on XP and quits!]
* Cisco VPN Client v4.0 (32 Bit)
* Cisco VPN Client v4.8.01.0300 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Setup can"t create VPN device and fails!] 点评:虚拟网关软件会出问题的版本 , 对我们国内用户来说损失很大 。
* Bluesoleil Bluetooth v2 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Installer errors 272 and aborts at the drivers part due to undetected device!]
* Gimp, The (32 Bit)
* HP IP Console Viewer 2.5b (32 Bit on 64 bit OS) [NOTE: InstallAnywhere halts on extracting the installer. When prompted to "Please select another location to extract the installer to:" it will not progress no matter where you choose to extract the applciation!]
* Microsoft Intellipoint v5.2 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Will NOT show selection of mice!]
* Microsoft Intellitype Pro v5.2 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Will NOT show selection of keyboards!]
* NEC DTermSP30 (23 Bit) [NOTE: Installs and configured, but is unable to connect to PBX.]
* PGPDesktop v8.0.3 (32 Bit)
* PGPDesktop Professional v9.0.2 Build 2424 (32 Bit) [NOTE: There is a dialog box after installation: "Yukon is not supported in this windows version."]
* SpyBot Search and Destroy (32 Bit) [NOTE: Only scanning the HD works everything else displays error messages (e.g. Signature Update)!]
* Teamspeak RC2 (32 Bit) [NOTE: Codec NOT supported!]
* Tellique/Tellitec Satellite Server/Client Proxy Application - All Versions (32 Bit) [NOTE: Will NOT allow data back via satellite!]
点评:蓝牙适配器、Gimp专业图形处理软件等软件 , 都在安装或使用时出现较比大的问题 , 所以被列在了不兼容的列表里面 。总体来说 , 虽然Vista的软件兼容性已经做得不错了 , 但是上面还是有这么多常规软件使用时出了问题 。作为一款基本的软件 , 当操作系统与软件发生冲突后 , 我们不可能通过卸载操作系统来壁开Bug , 所以该款软件的应用便会受到抑制 , 希望Vista能尽快解决这些Bug , 让更多的软件能够流畅地运行在上面 。
