pkg.list" to make a full, detailed list of all software I have installed, backup my /etc and /home Directories on a separate partition, and you are able to。22项Vista和Mac不能而Linux可以做到的事( 二 )。" />

22项Vista和Mac不能而Linux可以做到的事( 二 )

16. Use the command "dpkg --get-selections > pkg.list" to make a full, detailed list of all software I have installed, backup my /etc and /home Directories on a separate partition, and you are able to recover your system any time, easily 使用"dpkg --get-selections > pkg.list"命令来获得一个完整详尽的已装软件列表,备份我的/etc和/home文件夹到一个独立分区,然后你就可以随时恢复你的系统了,而且超简单 。
17. Run multiple desktops simultaneously, or even allow multiple users to log in and use the computer simultaneously 同时运行多个桌面,甚至可以让多用户同时登录并使用该机器 。
【22项Vista和Mac不能而Linux可以做到的事】18. Resize a hard disk partition without having to delete it and without losing the data on it 无损调整分区大小而不用担心会丢失数据 。(译者注:应该是LVM)
19. Use the same hardware for more than 5 years before it really needs to be replaced...I have some hardware that is nearly 10 years old, running Linux, and still useful 硬件可以使用超过五年而无须更换...我甚至有一些硬件都超过10年的历史了,还依然健在 。
20. Browse the web while the OS is being installed! 可以在OS安装的同时浏览网页!
21. Use almost any hardware and have a driver for it included with the operating system...eliminating the need to scour the internet to find the hardware manufacturer"s website to locate one 使用几乎所有的硬件,因为系统已经自带了驱动...而不必再去硬件供应商的主页上去苦苦搜寻 。
22. Get the source code for almost anything, including the OS kernel and most of my applications 可以任意获得源代码,包括OS内核以及我的大多数应用程序 。
