【Windows Vista、Windows Server 2008 激活技术说明】Windows Vista、Windows Server 2008 激活技术说明
这是一份来自微软官方的文档,帮助用户了解Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008各个版本的激活方式,以及硬件哈希的生成和重新激活机制 。
目前,只有英文语言的版本,是个 Word 文档,大家可以下载看下 。
1. How activation works for Windows acquired through:
a. A PC manufacturer (OEM)
b. A retail store (where customers buy “boxed” software product)
c. A volume licensing agreement (customers who acquire their licenses through programs such as Microsoft Open, Enterprise, or Select licensing).
2. How the hardware hash component of the installation ID is created and the scenarios in which a copy of Windows may have to be re-activated due to a substantial hardware modification.
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