subject怎么读 math怎么读
高考英语核心单词必然少不了subject,首先是它是个高频词,其次是词性多,三是形容词和动词的用法和意义比较特殊,和汉语的差别比较大 。一、subject的词性和释义subject有三个词性和相应的释义
高考英语核心单词必然少不了subject,首先是它是个高频词,其次是词性多,三是形容词和动词的用法和意义比较特殊,和汉语的差别比较大 。

1.1. 主题;题目;话题;题材;问题(a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with)
1.2. 学科;科目;课程(an area of knowledge studied in a school, college, etc.)
1.3. 接受试验者;实验对象(a person or thing being used to study sth., especially in an experiment)
1.4. (尤指君主制国家的)国民,臣民(a person who has the right to belong to a particular country, especially one with a king or queen)
1.5. 主语(语法(grammar))(a noun phrase functioning as one of the main components of a clause, being the element about which the rest of the clause is predicated.)
2.1. 可能受…影响的;易遭受…的(likely to be affected by sth., especially sth. bad)
2.2.取决于;视…而定(depending on sth. in order to be completed or agreed)
2.3.受…支配;服从于(under the authority of sth./sb.)
3. 动词(VERB)
3.1. 使…经受;使…遭受(cause or force to undergo (a particular experience of form of treatment))
3.2. 使…臣服;使…顺从(bring (a person or country) under one's control or jurisdiction, typically by using force)

作为一个核心词,subject有三个词性和相应的释义,从使用频率来看,作为名词表示主题和科目等的意义,作为形容词表示受…支配或服从于等的意义,作为动词表示压服的意义比较常见 。有关例句和翻译如下:
1.1.1. His choice of subject matter has been regarded as lowbrow.
人们一直认为他选择的主题是浅薄的 。
1.1.2. The show challenges four contestants to speak on a specific subject for 60 seconds without “hesitation, repetition or deviation.”
四个参赛选手需要在表演中“不犹豫、不重复、不跑题”地就一个具体题目演讲60秒钟,这是一项挑战 。
1.1.3. I try to steer the conversation to other subjects, but it seems like it helps him to talk about it, and he’s so very, very sad all the time now.
我尽量把话题转到其它方面,但看起来这反倒让他继续这个话题,他一直显得非常非常悲伤 。
1.1.4. Fifthly, the currency had always been a highly sensitive subject requiring the utmost caution in handling.
第五,货币一直都是非常敏感的问题,需要极其谨慎地处理 。
1.2. 学科;科目;课程
1.2.1. They did not approach their subject solely as a matter of 'pure' theory.
他们并没有把这一学科仅仅当作一门“纯”理论来看待 。
1.2. 2. The introductory courses - which will be in subjects such as astronomy, philosophy, art history and more - will be transmitted via video from UD’s Newark campus and streamed to the students’ high schools.
导论课——包括航天、哲学、艺术史等课程——将在特拉华大学纽瓦克校区录制视频,然后通过流媒体传送到学生们所在的高中 。
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