usually usuallyourbodylanguageacts

【usually usuallyourbodylanguageacts】结构:主语+程度副词+调语动词【例如】Tomusuallygoestoworkbycar.汤姆通常开车去上班 。Maryoftenasksmeforhelp.玛丽经常向我求助 。结构
Tom usually goes to work by car.
汤姆通常开车去上班 。
Mary often asks me for help.
玛丽经常向我求助 。

usually usuallyourbodylanguageacts

结构:主语+ be+程度副词
Tom is often late.汤姆经常迟到 。
Anne isn\'t usually sick.安妮通常不会生病 。
Peter isn\'t always right.
彼特并非永远正确 。
注意:如果我们把程度副词放在省略句中,则该结构不成立 。
Is she usually on time?
Yes, she usually is.是的,她通常都是 。
She never is.她从不是 。
口语中还有其他的习惯表达,也不必要遵循上述结构 。
What are you doing here? Shouldn\'t you be at school?
I normally am at school at this time, but my teacher is ill.
通常这时候我应该在学校,但是老师生病了 。
usually usuallyourbodylanguageacts

I can never remember his name.
我总是记不住他的名字 。
Anne doesn\'t usually smoke.
The children have often complained about the playground facilities.
孩子们经常抱怨游乐场设施 。
但在have to句型中存在例外 。
结构:主语+程度副词+ have to+主动词
We often have to wait for the bus.
我们经常要等公车 。
She never has to do any housework.
她从不需要做家务 。
usually usuallyourbodylanguageacts
