UK - In terms of price, 2015 was a year to forget for pig producers. A combination of factors throughout the year contributed to the steadily declining price.These include increased production, the pound-euro exchange rate, the gap between UK and EU prices and subdued consumer demand.So what do the trends in 2015 tell us about 2016? Well, for 2016 supplies available for consumption are forecast to increase again, which will keep pressure on the UK pig price unless demand increases accordingly.
【2016将会是又一个遗忘养猪者的年么?】2015年英国在价格方面遗忘了养猪者们 。全年的综合因素导致价格稳步下跌 。这些因素包括产量增添,英镑兑欧元汇率,英国和欧盟猪价差距和受抑制的消费需求 。所以2015年这些趋势能告诉我们在2016年会发生些什么?2016年预计可供应消费还会增添,这将使英国猪价受到压力,除非需求相应增添 。
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