EU - The EU will not compromise on it block on imports of beef raised with the use of hormones and it will stand firm to maintain geographical location on products in negotiations with the US and other countries for free trade agreements.Speaking at the National Farmers’ Union Conference in Birmingham, Jean-Marc Trarieux, head of unit for the Americas at the European Commission said that in negotiations with the US for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) the EU will hold out on its stance over products produced using hormones and antibiotics.He said that in the negotiations with Canada for a free trade agreement the EU had not changed its requirements over hormone free beef and pork free from ractopamine.
由于牛肉使用抗生素,妨碍欧盟进口 。欧盟不会因为这个问题妥协,将会在与美国和其他国家的自由贸易协定谈判中坚毅维护产品的地理位置 。欧盟委员会美洲单位主管吉恩·马克(Jean-Marc)在全国农民联合会议讲到,在与美国的伙伴协定(TTIP)中,欧盟将坚定对产品使用抗生素的立场 。他说:“欧盟与加拿大关于自由贸易协定进行谈判,欧盟没有改变牛肉不使用激素、猪肉不使用莱克多巴胺的请求 。”
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